Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (2024)

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (1)

    @HppyP3m10 дней назад +414

    "No it's nerfed. You're poor. Sry" - Pretty much summed up my entire league xD

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (2)

      @Kaissaz10 дней назад +10

      thats why i quit after 3rd time in a week...

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (3)

      @AkameHatake10 дней назад +4

      Yeah this league was awful for people with only lets say 10h per week to play, i managed to fish for maybe 2 divinie modifiers giving around 50 divinies and later couldn't get even a single divine so i gave up since everything was already inflated in prices..

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (4)

      @ruibarian518710 дней назад +2

      @@AkameHatake Prices were insanely low, you could have bought 3 headhunters with those 50 div...

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (5)

      @kysann875910 дней назад

      @@ruibarian5187 Yeah you could have brought em with the 50 divs, however everyone thought the farm would still be relevant after 1-2 days so why buy it if I can farm as well, then boom strat nerfed prices of items went back up and your mats prices goes down now you have less currency then before.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (6)

      @ruibarian518710 дней назад +2

      @@kysann8759 the HH farming strat was never nerfed. They've been roughly 10-12div the entire league, anyone could put together an ele bow build for 20div wby crafting a perfect bow and an HH. Even if you only farm 1 div an hour, playing 10 hours a week you could have had an endgame bow, quiver, Hyrri's Ire, and HH after 3 weeks, then you can go farm any T16 strat. There were multiple T16 starts that made 8-10div/hour, so in 2 more weeks you'd have 200 div to do whatever you want, even as a 10 hour a week Andy. No one needed any of those abusive strats to be successful this league, you're all just doomers.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (7)

    @paulamblard383610 дней назад +493

    "Was Necropolis REALLY that bad?"
    "yes, and even worse than you think"

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (8)

      @Guah0010 дней назад +18

      Necropolis was one of my least favorite leagues, and I still enjoyed it more than 90% of the games I played this year lol

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (9)

      @thierryfaquet740510 дней назад +25

      @@Guah00 that says more about your lack of judgment in what you’re buying than anything about Necropolis… there were so much bangers games in the last year.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (10)

      @Guah0010 дней назад +28

      @@thierryfaquet7405 Nah, just shows how much I enjoy Path of Exile as a game, even if the league felt subpar. I enjoyed a lot of games but only a few I had more fun with than PoE.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (11)

      @damnson917010 дней назад

      Agreed, I didn’t like it one bit. Also dropped it after a couple of days

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (12)

      @jackpyrope664110 дней назад +1

      My thoughts exactly. It was awful.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (13)

    @mrkoark10 дней назад +123

    THE main problem was the T17
    The feeling of farming T16 while people was farming T17 was A W F U L L

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (14)

      @Gildorify10 дней назад +6

      I agree. 100%

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (15)

      @incinirator10 дней назад +4

      I bailed out fairly early but I didn't even see a T17 drop once and I refused to buy one, was very frustrating.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (16)

      @pogobear12310 дней назад

      This was one of the big things for me, I really really did not enjoy sitting in T16s cos I don't have a crazy amount of time to play and watching friends or streamers who have more time to play than me essentially play a different game

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (17)

      @masterslayerable10 дней назад +10

      Yeah T17 felt like the worst FOMO they ever added.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (18)

      @RatTacticsOnly10 дней назад +4

      I went to a private league, 2 days in and we had a CoC DD guy farming T17's supplying everyone in the league with items as it was just raining. Killed the hype instantly

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (19)

    @dwimus707110 дней назад +29

    For me it was 2 bad things:
    - nerfing everything when I discover it
    - to much coffin needed to get something awesome.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (20)

    @Andreaskentorp10 дней назад +158

    Yes - Haven't watched the video, but - Yes

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (21)

      @dingo426010 дней назад +2

      Was just about to write the exact same 😂😂

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (22)

      @truuuupR10 дней назад +2

      I too haven't watched the video and my conclusion is - yes it was actually that bad. Maybe not Lake of Kalandra bad, but a very close second.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (23)

      @Salty-Hero10 дней назад +1

      I used the grave crafting one time annnddddd...logged off.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (24)

      @goonboyx10 дней назад

      reddit tier opinions

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (25)

      @sparriz10 дней назад +1

      So true called out the bullsh*t finicky gravecrafting as soon as I saw it. And well then theres t17...

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (26)

    @TQP-Tukolpka10 дней назад +181

    The trade gap pretty much destroyed my experience, like wasn't able to farm anything, and other guys were already rolling around with tonns of currency,
    Lost my enjoyment, and made my experience worse.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (27)

      @ZerFayt10 дней назад +10

      This was probably the biggest gripe of most us who played the trade league.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (28)

      @AlexPellerin.10 дней назад +14

      this, i just quit so early because i got nothing and they nerfed it. Was so behind i just quit. Look fun at first and then you knew it was sh*t

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (29)

      @stayfunnbg10 дней назад +4

      same , far behind and unable to get currency and some mid range items , ppl were farming tones of divs and i had nothing so i left and never open it again

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (30)

      @stayfunnbg10 дней назад +1

      @@AlexPellerin. same

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (31)

      @ic878910 дней назад +2

      I wonder how many people actually care about this though. I don't at all, even though I play trade. I prefer to craft my own stuff and buy only what's necessary. I still hated the league. I'm curious to know SSF player retention rates.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (32)

    @leedelarm731710 дней назад +32

    In the first portion of the video, I thought Ziz had it wrong first because he is able to no-life the game. But later on in Endgame changes he does mention my biggest gripe with this league. This league ABSOLUTELY dumped power and items like they were a penny a pop onto people who no-lifed the game and got in early. I have a ton of hours in Path of Exile, well over 3000, but this league absolutely murdered me in the trade league because people with no job (or playing the game was their job) were able to discover and abuse various mechanics, which were patched by end of day when I got on.
    There was a literal wall of power between me and them, and I couldn't afford 90% of the items I was looking at.
    To add, this league mechanic was WAY worse than Ziz let on specifically because no-lifers can afford to poke and prod at the map monsters and reward / penalties. I spent literally less than half as much time as I did in any previous league actually playing the game because I had to make sure I didn't die the instant I spawned into a map. None of my characters leveled past 91 because dying was just there all the time. The mods were very inaccessible unless you specced into them, and you were FORCED to play with murder mobs if you didn't have stuff to offset their mechanics. It was a real feed bad time all around
    I'd give this league a 4/10, only because the buffs to the Atlas tree (3 atlas trees will be AWESOME when I'm not league mechanic strangled), and the other new changes

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (33)

      @MyNameIsSalo10 дней назад +2

      for someone with 3k hours, you're doing something very very wrong.
      Yes there was a massive wealth gap, but at the same time the majority of items were very cheap. Headhunter was like 10d at one point. Yes you won't find many very valuable drops because everything is devalued, but you still found a lot of consistently valuable currency items, allflames, scarabs and maps you can bulk sell. It was very easy to pull 50c+ profit per map with some basic investments. It didn't seem like it as it was all smaller drops and you'd never get something worth over 1d but trust me it was super easy to make money at all stages of the game, and everything was very affordable. The only stuff that was actually inaccessible was BiS gear like magic jewels for adorned setups, good cluster jewels, synth implicit bases etc. Stuff that no one needs and you can clear all content comfortably without it.
      The lantern mods were not impactful whatsoever out of some edge cases like multi proj rolling on a projectile mob. It was very rare you'd encounter something that poses a threat, most of the mods did nothing at all as it wasn't really compatible with the mob. If you were consistently dying then it's not the lanterns fault, it's your build.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (34)

      @rpemulis6 дней назад +3

      @@MyNameIsSalo i lost interest way way quicker than usual last league, but it looked to me like headhunter or even mageblood was not nearly enough to start farming t17 maps. am i wrong?
      tbh the jump to t17 in terms of gear required and the vast difference between profitability between t16s and 17s just felt so exhausting that i quit very early. but i don't know, maybe its just a perspective thing. ziz talking about how t17s were wildly more difficult than ubers is not really easing my concerns though. its not like i'm a super casual player either, i've had headhunters and magebloods and progenesis etc before.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (35)

    @Macronaso10 дней назад +100

    I bailed out so early on this one... almost as early as Kalandra. So bad I hope we don't see a repeat of this.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (36)

      @DixonYamouf10 дней назад +2

      Totally understandable. Archenemesis, TOTA, all not very fun to interact with for me lol

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (37)

      @JayBigDadyCy10 дней назад +1

      Same. I played Kalandra slightly longer. But this one equalled my shortest league ever (a week), tying Synthesis league. But I played Affliction so much I didn't care about taking a league off

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (38)

      @bobbob-vw4cc10 дней назад +1

      @@JayBigDadyCy Affliction was the GOAT, easy currency farm, things were cheap, had a blast.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (39)

      @inkedgemini10 дней назад +2

      @@bobbob-vw4cc There is this weird sentiment within the community and GGG that something has to be a grind/chase in order for them to keep retention numbers up. While for some people that is true, it is more often not the case for a larger majority who don't have the time to invest into the chase and a slightly easier path to endgame builds and experimentation keep them around longer trying new things out. It also helps if the league mechanic doesn't make you bored out of your mind.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (40)

      @stanleyperry10 дней назад

      I like the rings

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (41)

    @travisterrio219810 дней назад +62

    Getting blasted in the campaign by modifiers I couldnt turn off was quite an experience...

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (42)

      @gregp785510 дней назад +11

      Pretty much this. And mapping too. I quite less than 2 weeks into league. Making league mechanics a mandatory is a mistake. If you can't make content worth engaging, at least don't force it on people.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (43)

      @Makai_Reacts8 дней назад +1

      Basically, my experience also. This was my 2nd ever PoE league and quit a week or two in. The next league looks so sick, though. So let's hope.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (44)

      @Matt-sl1wg7 дней назад +1

      The campaign is super easy. You can easily clear it with the gear you pick up off the ground and moving your character between attacks...

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (45)

      @dddmemaybe2 дня назад

      @@Matt-sl1wg Once you've beaten it once already, obviously you already learned how to win. Me with no reservations, no extra strikes heavy strike marauder vs added elemental damage projectiles. Goddamn. Guess I learned the hard way, lol.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (46)

    @fvzi486110 дней назад +123

    Was the league bad? Yes. Was the base game still the best ARPG to play? Also yes.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (47)

      @Arccanos10 дней назад

      Best endgame. That's it atm.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (48)

      @masterslayerable10 дней назад +11

      @@Arccanos I mean granted thats where you spend 90% or more of your time in arpgs nowadays. So yeah. Best Endgame, Best Gear System, most interesting crafting and build mechanics and bar none most build diversity is how I would describe POE. And not the most casual friendly as the negative topper

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (49)

      @poggazoo279210 дней назад +2

      The Atlas tree saves this game during "bad" leagues , give the inventor a raise!

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (50)

      @Arccanos10 дней назад

      @masterslayerable I'm done with all content on about Tuesday after each league start. Friday and Saturday are getting through the first round of maps. Sunday is leveling and some bosses. Monday night and Tuesday night are Ubers (gotta work).
      We don't play ARPGs like we used to. This is supported by POE retention rates being bad for years.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (51)

      @Arccanos10 дней назад

      @masterslayerable I'd also say that POE's gear system is not the best anymore. Get your Mageblood Sunday then kill Ubers is actually some of the worst gearing in any ARPG right now. POE crafting is also convoluted, and GGG has lost control of power creep on rares.
      Last Epoch crafting is far more enjoyable.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (52)

    @MrTreefrog9810 дней назад +110

    one of the biggest nerfs to the casual player was the loss of veiled chaos. they were so useful to craft placeholder gear in your endgame build

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (53)

      @collinisballn10 дней назад +19

      It's wild to me that they decided mid-tier crafting is what needed to be scooped. Like, all the no-lifers skip right past that point, but for your average 10-20 hr/week person, we spend some time there on our way to nicer crafts. Just like ziz said...what's my next upgrade? I would really love to see veiled chaos come back.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (54)

      @SaltyVest10 дней назад +1

      Ngl I was surprised they didn't do like, veiled exalt for itemization.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (55)

      @UncleJay6910 дней назад

      Couldn't agree more to this, what I think was the most approachable "good crafting" was removed entirely with this league. Initially I thought oh maybe Necropolis is a crafting league mechanic so we should be compensated. Nope, absolutely fking not sadly

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (56)

      @MyNameIsSalo10 дней назад +10

      im sorry but the "casual" player does not know how to use a veiled orb. Like you're refering to buying fractured base, essence roll for decent suffix or prefix, lock suffix/prefix and then veil chaos and pray for correct roll + another decent affix and craft the last affix, right? What other use for veiled chaos was there? no one was actually using them on random items they found off the ground.
      But yes losing that crafting process is disappointing as it did allow you to get really good items for only a few 10s of divines or less, that otherwise cost hundreds of divines. But just the usage of the word casual was slightly triggering, nothing about that is casual

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (57)

      @UncleJay6910 дней назад

      @@MyNameIsSalo as you can see you can explain the whole process in 1 short paragraph. I'm a small channel and I have a video on this crafting method in affliction, super well received from people who know absolutely nothing about crafting before. I consider this very casual friendly already, if you disagree feel free to do so, i have no right to force you to have the same opinion as I do. However same logic apply, and I have no obligation to care about how you somehow feel that me using the word "casual" in my OWN OPPINION is somehow triggering. Excuse me here I thought its summer time right now, yet somehow I encounter a snowflake

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (58)

    @leoramos726410 дней назад +53

    As a casual player, I hated the forced map mechanic. It made everything harder with 0 real benefit. I quit the league about 1 week in because it was just not fun, but tedious.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (59)

      @ylmzsmsk196310 дней назад +2

      Yea .. i didnt enjoy playing POE till i tried ruthless SSF in affiliction league .. i just like how game felt in that mode .. I started this league with excitement as well and it was horrible to play .. forced map with no real benefit made ruthless non enjoyable for me.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (60)

      @DMT-ix9zj9 дней назад +1

      Me to, first league i quit and didn't even finish the campaign thats how fun it was.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (61)

    @The1rust10 дней назад +14

    The thing that struck me as an SSF player is that I was banking on it to really come through to help fill the gaps with gear I needed but the time to invest and not being a super power gamer meant that a lot of what I did make was pretty underwhelming especially when it came to filling the plots and storage space. Not sure why but whenever GGG makes a crafting league they seem to over think the complexity and under think the sustainability of their system design until they bring them back in a more accessible form at a later date to go core.
    For me, Necropolis the league was easily one of the least interactive for me and T17 with some tweaks can be fun if treated as an actual stepping stone. The baseline game changes were fantastic though and it's great to see more being introduced in 3.25.
    Quite frankly, I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when the idea was pitched and the initial reaction for how many clicks are required in order to use the mechanic and it being unavoidable and how much push or resistance there was in regards to whether or not the league items would be voided due to how insane they are even when compared to pre-Necro mirror-tier items.
    Every league I've played has their own ups and downs but Necropolis was way more like a Standard+ for me where I was more excited to have the Seer modifier than anything that was tied to the graveyard so I'd have to say it's definitely my least favourite and that's including Bestiary when you had to manually net beasts.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (62)

      @ad3z1010 дней назад

      I actually managed to a couple of really good items in SSF before quitting the league but it was literally that, 2 items from the league mechanic in the time it took me to hit lvl 91.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (63)

    @noshei2110 дней назад +76

    I remember thinking when the league was announced that the tedium of having to setup each map every time would get old really fast, and shocker, it was beyond tedious before even completing the campaign.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (64)

      @MyNameIsSalo10 дней назад

      there was an option to turn that off via the atlas passive tree but it meant you could miss out 50+ divines if you land the divine mod

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (65)

    @BalanceKidd10 дней назад +11

    Personally, I think any league that completely obliterates your stash space and clogs up your screen in maps is no good. The crafting changes they made were okay, but it came too late without addressing the aforementioned issues. I'd rather have a list of requirements from the league mechanic to craft with a group of modifiers, with item level determining the weight of the tiers. That corpse sh*t sucked.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (66)

      @MrWilliGaming9 дней назад

      main problem was that even after the reduction there were just too many corpses and too many graveyard spaces. like you need 80 items for one craft which you had to trade one by one.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (67)

    @rjnegative10 дней назад +7

    Forcing me to fill my stash tabs with coffins and allflames killed this league for me.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (68)

    @GaeFootballClub10 дней назад +5

    at first i thought that necropolis was bad purely because affliction was incredible but looking back made me realize that top to bottom it was f*cking awful.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (69)

    @KarizmaKai10 дней назад +44

    i liked how much money i could earn that league but that made me play less this league, i hated the graveyard

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (70)

      @Disciples210 дней назад

      How much u earned?
      More than 100$?

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (71)

      @dr3v24010 дней назад +1

      I went to the map got HH drop closed the map sold belt, was like 0 emotions.... cuz i abused rogue exiles...

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (72)

    @ThirteenEra10 дней назад +45

    Yes, yes it was
    That said i disagree ziz - You mention "being able to get good gear easily" is why retention was low. I dont think so. I didnt quit because "graveyard was too strong". I quit because the league felt sh*t, and if you werent a streamer blasting T17s with OP build you were picking up scraps. It had nothing to do with "i got too strong and got bored".
    Affliction was "I got good gear easily" - and it was one of the most popular leagues of all time.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (73)

      @tacticaldot439610 дней назад +2

      I would agree with this from the perspective of a player that just outright buys most of his gear and just wants to experience a strong character. But from the perspective of a player that incrementally upgrades and crafts his gear jumping from your mediocre starter bow straight to a 6x t1 ele bow, with basically no room to improve that slot unless you go for synth implicits, felt really bad.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (74)

      @eduardoburgosacosta24310 дней назад +2

      ​@@tacticaldot4396 everyone like to be geared and not be oneshotted by Game mechanics, most of US work, have kids, wife, things to do and being able ti complete your char make the Game mechanics, farm currency and be able to play the way You like is not a dropoff by any means at the end we all want the same thing play the game and the less grinding and beleive me dying by some stupid Game mechanics one shotted that You couldnt Even SEE is the problem. Not being geared... Stupid thing to Say "o no I geared to fast.!" Now i don't want to play anymore... Dumb as f..

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (75)

      @giteshdhir10 дней назад

      agreed, I liked the Forge league better than Necro because I could slowly build my items. I had so many items in my stash tabs as good bases since the forge mods were good, I just needed to get the reset of the crafting sorted.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (76)

      @Deminese210 дней назад

      Affliction has the exact same issues as necropolis when it comes to picking up scraps. You were either doing the giga mfing with affliction or you made no money in comparison and the market went volatile as hell. Both of the leagues had the exact same economy issues and both are sh*t.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (77)

      @tarododd52410 дней назад

      This is why Affliction is a beloved league. The difference here is that in Affliction, everyone was making more currency, not just a lucky subset of players. Magic finders were making money, Bossing, supplying map currency, simulacrum, delve. The casual 1hour a day player was making more than they ever did before. The economy and best currency strats adjusted slowly giving players a chance to adjust as well, not just sent to oblivion over night.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (78)

    @capitatv10 дней назад +76

    How many of you went from Affliction being the best ever then thinking necropolis is F tier?

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (79)

      @Legless56010 дней назад +19

      Affliction was okay, the ascendancy aspect of it was great but again loot overtuned and another mirror drop be like: okay, next mirror, cool I guess

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (80)

      @AlexanderVoroncov10 дней назад +4

      Ascendancy was fun, gameplay was optional

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (81)

      @TheFreepie10 дней назад +21

      TOTA was best league in recent times

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (82)

      @Legless56010 дней назад

      @@TheFreepie That's what I think too

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (83)

      @justshane280510 дней назад +2

      ​@@TheFreepiei wouldn't say it was best, but it was good

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (84)

    @Sindrolik10 дней назад +8

    I'm still decently new and pretty bad at the game. the only reason I played for as long as I did this league is because I hadn't finished all of the invitations before and that was my goal for this league.
    All of the fun crazy stuff getting nerfed/changed before I had the opportunity to even attempt them killed my desire to continue playing. Watching a good chunk of people take advantage of systems really early only to have them be not NEARLY as good (or even exist) by the time I got to them was unbelievably off-putting. My friend saw the nameless seer/the seer scarab 10+ times, and by the time I was actually moving through maps at a decent pace it was nerfed and I had only seen it once (and that would be the only seer I saw the entire league). Stuff like that destroyed my desire to play.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (85)

    @dbattleaxe10 дней назад +5

    This was my first league. Randomly rippy mods are bad enough for people who have experience. As a new player not knowing what mods to even look out for, it was awful. Playing through the campaign for the first time and suddenly having overpowered mobs meant way too many things to learn about from the get go. I think I got adrenaline roas right off the bat.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (86)

    @ross.neuberth10 дней назад +8

    The game seems to have an overall balance issue imo: you can't properly balance the game for both casual players AND professionals. It is fun to watch Ziz do his thing but I am enjoying last epochs accessibility more as a casual player.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (87)

      @cemguler741310 дней назад +3

      We are on the same boat, can't keep up with poe, feels overwhelming with all the new additions and changes

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (88)

      @kamewoni8 дней назад

      its way too convoluted for people who cannot no-life the game. it is an impressive game, but way too much to think about and micromanage. The players on servers are quite toxic and unhelpful as well. I tried 3 times to reach endgame and it was not a fun experience.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (89)

      @killerkonnat4 дня назад +1

      Path of Exile balances for the top 0.001% of players who spend a dozen mirrors on a meta build, and that often completely ruins the experience for average or above average fans of the game.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (90)

    @damasteryu10 дней назад +4

    When I was told that T17's were a bridge between Pinnacle and Uber Pinnacle, I was let down when I seen otherwise.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (91)

      @toukoenriaze987010 дней назад

      It wasn't a bridge ... It was literally worse/harder than the pinnacles

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (92)

    @truedps810 дней назад +7

    I'm just not a fan of crafting leagues. Looking back through all the leagues, there is not a single crafting focused one that I enjoyed. The content and changes that came along with Necropolis were great, but the league mechanic itself does have a huge factor in my overall enjoyment.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (93)

    @Lincy773410 дней назад +4

    I love how Last Epoch released a very simple, mechanic that takes you a few tries to master it, and PoE is like.. hmmm

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (94)

    @Valsedar10 дней назад +9

    Newer Poe player here! While my opinion may not matter I do want to say a few things about the league. I probably have like a few hundred hours over the course of three leagues, I haven't done true endgame content or proper pinnacle bossing yet. I was hoping to do it in this league. I played extenuate mines. Alot of fun. Genuinely enjoyed the build and had a good time with it. The league was too much, it felt like it rewarded knowledge and a deep understanding of the game, which is fine but not for a new player when it's forced on every single thing that you do. My level of fun was enjoyable but I did not play for long. I got to do an experience things I've never done before in POE and actually participate in the mapping process which was new to me and super fun! I also learned how to trade and the do and don't of that. Let's hope next league is better!

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (95)

      @RelentlessFracker10 дней назад

      Newer player here too, 190hrs before this league started and only ever got a couple characters to level 83. This league the mechanic I didn't really interact with during campaign apart from small crafts to get a gear boost early. I now have 392hrs and managed to get two characters through to 95 and 99, got all my voidstones, killed at least one uber. The reason i played so much this league I think is due to understanding the base game more (thanks Pohx) and it seemed like there was more good drops happening earlier on and i felt i could actually participate in trading good items and upgrading gear, also levelling seemed easier which made me want to play more.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (96)

    @Kronos7433910 дней назад +2

    I hated having to mess with the lantern every single map, ive literally never quit a league before at least getting all the voidstones. I didnt even make it out of yellow maps this league.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (97)

    @justinbell598910 дней назад +3

    Tota and affliction were absolutely amazing for the average Joe. Two of my favorite leagues that kept me engaged for the longest.
    When I saw how far ahead the top tier guys were and how ridiculous the league mech was, I bailed. This was my shortest league to date. Seems like that was the consensus.
    Hopefully they learned from it and next league is a blaster

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (98)

      @Sammysapphira8 дней назад

      Why do you give a single crap about how far the "top guys" are ahead of you? How does it affect you at all? I hope you realize that the "top guys" will always be infinitely richer than you because it's obvious that you're just not good at the game. It's actually hilarious how you people seem to think any league that doesn't barf out infinite free currency with no thought is "good" for the game.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (99)

      @justinbell59898 дней назад

      @@Sammysapphira oh my sweet summer child. GGG literally just said that the top %1 flooded the market with all the uniques last league. They quite literally changed the game for that reason.
      Also, post your account. You seem to think you’re quite amazing

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (100)

    @benreichert010 дней назад +1

    An atlas keystone at the top left of the tree that said "100% more allflame ember drops, monsters cannot have Unresolved Anguish" would have straight up doubled the amount I played the league. The lanturn was awesome, corpse management was miserable. That said, the t17 balance issues were a much bigger problem than anything about the league mechanic

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (101)

    @incinirator10 дней назад

    Very well said and one of the most irking thing is only having limited amount of all flames shown when opening a map, while my bank was chuck full of them having to shift through them all the time was just tedious.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (102)

    @GermanLoLVidz6 дней назад +1

    The thing is casual players WEREN'T running around with really cool stuff because no casual would EVER induldge in such a complicated mechanic.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (103)

    @paulogomes215610 дней назад +15

    My biggest issue with POE at the moment is the major lottery element. I'd much rather a stable income/currency generation with an occasional peak here and there due to finding something good rather than hoping for that one perfect mod combination to get a loot explosion or that one drop that is worth by far more than everything you farmed throughout the entire league.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (104)

      @masterslayerable10 дней назад +2

      The thing is tho that still exists, and there are TONS of methods to have really stable currency farming. For example: Harvest, Anything expedition whether its inmap or logbook or tujen, Sanctum honestly aswell, Essences are the definition of stable currency generation because there are BARELY outliers. The problem this league was all of the FOMO because of how insane the top end t17 methods were.
      It was fine when the above methods went between 5-15d an hour depending on how efficient you are while the top end made like 30. Its not fine when the top end makes more than double or triple that.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (105)

      @MyNameIsSalo10 дней назад +1

      There isn't a single currency farming method that relies on lottery drops. Everything can result in a lottery drop, but in reality those drops contribute very little to the overall profit over sufficiently large sample sizes. It's all the small things that add up.
      Like if you're farming harbingers, you're not doing it for a mirror drop. You're doing it for all the other drops which are consistently dropping (yes fracturing orbs are a consistent drop), and if you get a mirror that's cool but you're still making 10d/hr profit without it.
      No one is waiting for the perfect mod combination to come up to optimise currency gains. That isn't a real thing people do. A LOT of people were baited by fishing for lantern mods this league, which is very much a lottery gamble. But it was a complete meme, no one putting out genuine guides was telling people to do it. It was a joke.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (106)

      @paulogomes21569 дней назад +1

      @@MyNameIsSalo I will give you a quick example: Last league I dropped a raw 15-20 divines. But in one particular map with the right mod combination, I dropped over 30.. That makes my whole league haul feel worthless and everytime I dropped a single Divine it just felt like "meh.. I could have dropped a dozen" and made me always wary about missing the next lottery ticket.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (107)

      @DillonMcAuliffe5 дней назад

      i hate that type of playstyle and hope that the game becomes more major lottery

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (108)

    @IzobizHD10 дней назад +12

    Love the rating system:
    "Really unenjoyable league, 6/10" lmfao
    or are the standards just that high? that above average (5/10) is bad?

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (109)

      @SpecShadow10 дней назад

      that means anything less is not worth time even though it's not bottom tier
      it's all about "do you have enough time to try this one?"

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (110)

    @fajkoson9 дней назад

    summary of necropolis league for me:
    1) katarina vs veiled orb: 13:0
    2) 0 x t17 finished
    3) sold over 450 div in essences!
    4) essence farming on red white maps was my endgame.
    5) 22 days play time with over 800 deaths

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (111)

    @TheCosmicAstro-7 дней назад +1

    after skipping necropolis league.
    the only real bad things about it seem to be T17 f*ckery and the crazy tedium/bloat of the league mechanic, streamers buying multiple quad tabs to keep up with it is insane.
    but other than that it actually sounds pretty awesome, being able to create perfect items as a NON 12 hour a day player sounds amazing, especially since every league is a reset anyway, more realistic availability to things for more players is always a good thing.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (112)

    @i2xr10 дней назад +1

    -Coffins With Terrible Trade System
    -Unbalance Scarab
    -T17 Drop Uniques

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (113)

    @Dylan-bf3kp10 дней назад

    video was pretty accurate and fair on all points, see you next league Ziz!

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (114)

    @alvo6215 дней назад

    It was worth it to watch Steve hit delve cap at 65535. It was super hype lmao.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (115)

    @ExpedientFalcon10 дней назад

    Thank you, I agree with everything you said. This is the fewest hours I've had in a league aside from Kalandra. The graveyard crafting mechanic felt awful and tedious, as did storing all the corpses, but it also felt mandatory if you wanted to have items. That being said, I still put in more hours this PoE league than I did in Last Epoch or D4.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (116)

    @jasonnewman33559 дней назад

    I think the problem with the crafting was they didn't gate it with time engaging with fun mechanics or even difficulty, the gated it with tedium. But with the level of power you basically felt obligated to deal with that tedium, which isn't fun for anyone.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (117)

    @nikp351610 дней назад

    To me the biggest issue was just the constant cycle of new $ strat gets discovered, a small group of elite players exploit the hell out of it, general player base find out, nerf it before anyone not part of the first wave could benefit.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (118)

    @SephirothsBIade8 дней назад +1

    Necropolis league was great after the first week when I could actually SEE THE ITEMS BEHIND THE GRAVE that I couldnt collect.
    Perma scaling modifiers added to everything in the game in every map by RNG was horrible. hated every part of that.
    Allflames were fun, until nerfed. and fun, until nerfed. and fun......until nerfed. hands down worst part of the league was nerf interference timed so late that most of the playerbase was convinced it wouldnt be nerfed. Effectively rugpulling everybody late to the extremely rewarding stuff.
    Gravecrafting. I love that this existed so I could print battered foils early league, make 6x T1 bows so common I could buy a mirror tier weapon of other leagues with 8div, and I never did use my 4 full quad tabs worth of corpses because even after knowing the mechanics it was still too complicated to want to try.
    Not sure about other players, I had a great time enjoying the game as if T17 didnt exist. even looted my highest value item of all time from breach ring turnin.
    Loved being able to buy headhunter for 20div. Honestly I want chase items to be realistic. none of this 3000 div original sin nonsense. Attainable chase items are FAR better at keeping me in the game. Screw farming a month to get a mageblood only to be so burned out i dont use it.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (119)

    @yofyo7 дней назад +1

    crafting leagues that are inventory-intensive, tedious, and spending undue amounts of time in not-maps are my kryptonite
    hated the league, LOVE the changes to the base game though.. will be super pumped to play settlers

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (120)

    @Rafaela_S.9 дней назад

    I liked the mechanic, hope that it get revamped in a way similar to harvest and put into the core game.
    Can think of a few ways that would work in a nice way to keep the crafting in, while removing the things people didn't like about it.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (121)

    @adamn210 дней назад

    I really liked cheap uniques because chasing double corrupts for my unique-heavy build was really fun. I ended up getting a near perfect Mageblood double corrupt that would have been nearly impossible for me any other league.
    I didn't love the graveyard but I found a niche, crafting 2-3 fracture boots with chaos res / move speed / str / int / mana that would routinely sell for 25 div, and I could reliably hit 4 out of 6 sellable items per graveyard. They were simple enough to craft and kept me rich enough to double corrupt several Magebloods a day.
    I also had a blast farming T17s, but not rolling them. I hope they're a bit more sane and toned down this league for everyone's sake.
    Scarab rework felt really nice for me, but I think I'm in the minority there. Excited to play around with a sixth slot this league, will help me super juice a strategy I ran last league.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (122)

    @zurgu9 дней назад

    I remember Zizzaran saying "Big sh*t" during the early days of the league.
    I agree with the description.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (123)

    @rhettorical10 дней назад +1

    I absolutely despised not being able to ignore the mechanic. It was a straight-up difficulty increase across the entire game, and I'm not a great player, so it was the most painful levelling experience I've ever had, and I'm including Misery Gauntlet in that. The updates not related to the league were ok, but the mechanic itself just sucked.
    The only core update I didn't like was the change to Veiled Orbs. I hate fighting Catarina already, I just can't seem to get the hang of it. I like being able to find Veiled Chaos Orbs, it's fun to craft with them. Now, that's just gone.
    I really REALLY hope next league is actually good. Every single one of the builds I've fallen in love with have been nerfed to hell, and I expect DD is next on the docket, so if there's another difficulty mechanic, I'm just done.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (124)

    @voodoo106910 дней назад

    The unique thing is what makes the new nemesis system in LE and the LP system so good you can still get that excitement for a rare drop while also not making cool uniques so rare that you can't enjoy using them. It is pretty lame when you have uniques you likely just will not see ever in a league.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (125)

    @goodfoxxyttv10 дней назад

    Maybe one of the reasons we are getting a 6th slot in the map device is in the future we might be able to slot all flames in one of the slots as an alternative to a scarab....just a thought

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (126)

    @Dinofrogg10 дней назад

    I found nercoplis to be one of my favourite leagues. Not everyone enjoyed grinding for multiple coffins and then mix and matching them in a recipe but the results being very very powerful made it so much worth it for me. I had a blast crafting insane gear and also just having some fun with my own recipes for items i wanted to try craft. It was also my first league to reach a character to lv 100. Usually i quit at around lv 96-98. I tried coc dd, frostbolts and explosive arrow build all were very fun builds. T17 were hit or miss for me since you had roll the maps well with chaos and you really cant just alc it randomly and then just watch out for reflect or no regen. I had a couple maps with chance to drop divine and chaos and then juicing those for some crazy loot explosions which were fun. Barely interacted with other league mechanics besides breach,shrine and essence.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (127)

    @KING-dw3we10 дней назад

    My only complaint about POE is that to get quality loot / currency you have juice maps and every season the loot drops gets smaller and smaller and the 99% grind and 1% gain sucks. They need to bring back crazy loot drops to take the focus off the grind.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (128)

    @MrDeothor10 дней назад

    in graveyard I made more than a full stash tab of items that in any other league would have been mirror-tier. My collector/hoarder brain was happy. however it is extremaly tedious process. I love crafting leagues, even if they are tiresome, though.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (129)

    @fabi-fly10 дней назад +30

    I hate the current state of scarabs sooooo much.
    Having to do barrels only to get loot is horrible, and the scarab farm using Back to Basics, which is basicaly "don't do mechanics to enhance them later" is sh*t.
    I liked however that you could block scarab drops by blocking mechs
    It's actually the scarabs that made me drop the league

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (130)

      @tehprell10 дней назад +8

      The design of the league mechanic was awful, but the way the new scarabs work and feel sucks even more imo, since that's core as of now.
      Also way too many single scarab drops to pick up. Leaving every map with a full inventory of 1x1 items is rough.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (131)

      @JAH9310 дней назад

      Just wait until they add a 6th map slot next league 😃. You think scarabs will get any better? I'm gonna say a big f*ck no probably they're going to feel even more mandatory and worse than ever next league. My prediction is they're heavily nerfing loot drops and adding the sixth scarab slot to make up for that.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (132)

      @tehprell10 дней назад +1

      @@JAH93 Yeah, I don't expect the scarab problems to be better.
      I honestly sighed at the sixth map slot, but who knows, others might love it. Not me unfortunately.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (133)

      @rpemulis6 дней назад

      @@tehprell i agree with you, but i'm wondering if the auction house might make buying/selling scarabs a bit less time consuming which might help a bit.
      i much prefer the previous scarab / sextant setup though before the rework.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (134)

      @tehprell6 дней назад

      @@rpemulis yeah, that helps for sure.
      doesn't help me in selffound though, haha.
      but this looks like a huge upgrade for tradeleague

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (135)

    @aquamage104 дня назад

    I also dropped my 1 and only Shav's (didn't play much in the past few leagues) and I remember it fondly, top right corner of a T10 or 12 tropical island, I was around level 80-82, playing Death Aura. Seeing the drop rate of these (previously) chased uniques does make me sad, especially as a pretty casual player with not much time to sink.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (136)

    @khiljaz924510 дней назад +3

    I enjoyed it, but the player count was so low on playstation that trade league was quickly SSF-lite.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (137)

      @treynguyen123610 дней назад +2

      Come to PC

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (138)

      @khiljaz924510 дней назад

      @@treynguyen1236 I would have a long time ago if MTX transferred. Waiting for PoE2.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (139)

    @johnhalliday542010 дней назад

    Personally, the biggest issue for me was that we were forced to interact with the league mechanic. Whether it makes the game easier or not, I should be able to choose whether or not I want to interact with it. This is why even though affliction was a tough league, I could still play it because it wasnt required to interact with it. I think the idea behind the entire league was amazing and could be an interesting mechanic overall with some tweaks, for instance acrual storage space for the corpses like beasts have, but the biggest issue which put me off the league early was not being able to take things at my own pace. 'Well you could use the mechanic to get better gear early' no I cant. Im not even a new player but I think people forget how complicated poe is in general, theres alot you need to know. This was my first arpg and I went through the entire campaign eith overall negative res, because I had no idea how important is. In my mind, I could just build a glass cannon and get by bug damage, but i wuickly found out that i wasnt actually doing alot of damage and I wasnt tanky either. I looked up a guide which then very quickly capped my res, increased my life by a crap ton and doubled my damage. My mind was blown. Then you get to maps and have no clue why its so much harder despite being over leveled and then you find out that spell suppression is broken, but only one class has easy access to it. Theres so mamy stages to this game to get to an endgame player and even then you barely scratch the surface because theres theres alot of insane interactions between in game mechanics and its not easy to find them eithout already knowing about them. This is what I like about poe though, theres alwasy something for me to learn but being forced to interact with a mechanic when youre not ready for it dramatically increases the difficulty of the game.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (140)

    @cavcavvac10 дней назад

    I really hope the devs take a hard look at scarab availability especially in early league. It makes alc & go super tedious when you have to go to the trade site for every map to buy a single useful scarab for your farming strategy because no-one has stock. I got the feeling that everyone was hoarding scarabs initially because they weren’t sure if they would be useful. Trying to self farm scarabs from the atlas tree was way too hit and miss and ate up a lot of points for other actual farming strategies.
    It would be useful if they could reintroduce a tier listing for scarabs of say: T1 - maps contain Harvest; T2 - Harvest juice is doubled; T3 - Harvest contains bosses (cornucopia) etc. They must by now have data on drop rates and prices which they can use to adjust availability of scarabs. Tiering the scarabs would allow for deterministically upgrading scarabs much like oils and essences. Another useful deterministic means of getting the scarabs you actually need would be the reintroduction of tiered scarab chests in Betrayal with a much higher chance of dropping T2 and T3 scarabs.
    The above would probably mess with the scarab economy but I would much rather have that than having my mapping strategy hampered by scarab available, especially considering the additional scarab slot which will be available on the map device. It would also make it possible to be able to run multiple farming strategies per atlas tree rather than having to focus on a single one.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (141)

    @RedOfFlames10 дней назад

    I peaced out around white maps bc I saw the trade gap develop in real time and realized that as someone with only a few hours a day at *best* to play I wouldn’t be able to afford a single necessary item for my build

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (142)

    @gubzs10 дней назад +1

    t17 maps ruined the endgame for SSF. Non-uber boss loot has been ruined (this is the worst part), and the maps are unnecessarily hard. They're supposed to be the gateway to uber bosses, not harder than the uber bosses.
    Putting the league mechanic on the atlas tree also felt bad. Allocating to it felt required. I hope they don't do that again.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (143)

    @msi198510 дней назад

    This league allowed me to have gear that I've never had any other league so for me it's a win. I do agree that the tier 17 maps pre nerf were absolutely insane... But I also crafted some of the most insane gear I've ever done since recombinator.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (144)

    @fancifulconcept10 дней назад

    Stash pressure coupled with super janky UI made this one pretty rough but like you said the base game being good really saved this from sinking to Lake of Kalandra levels

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (145)

    @Deep_Sheep10 дней назад

    The league mechanic was an arduous Sisyphean task that was too strong to be ignored, which made the player either very bored (from diagram reading) or very poor. And the constant nerfs didn’t help. Allflames were great for players that could afford cool ones but not enough for me to give the league more than a 2

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (146)

    @Awildfjellman10 дней назад

    I played over 600h this league. Had a f*cking blast! The necropolis mechanic was a pain. The patch as a whole was all over the place, but I had tons of fun. Ran like 200+ t17 in ssf and I dont want to roll a single more!!!

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (147)

    @JasielMartini10 дней назад

    The only reason why I like the scarab changes: You target farm things better now.
    The only reason why I hate the scarab changes: impossible to sustain the same mechanic without trading for those scarabs you need.
    And some strategies straight up basically so not exist without certain scarabs. Ex: Essences.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (148)

    @Fr33gol33t10 дней назад

    One point you didn't really bring up, probably because noone played it was SSF. Not being able to trade for the right corpses for the crafts meant that getting even a chance at those perfect items were almost impossible.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (149)

    @TheRealFigLizard10 дней назад

    I hate the Uber bosses being thematically disconnected from the T17 maps that drop their fragments. I would have liked to see T17 Elder/Shaper guardian maps, for example.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (150)

    @Snopey17 дней назад

    I will also say as someone who has never been able to get past like 50d in a league before, getting the gg mirror items for affordable prices was nice. I understand the problem of no reasonably acquirable next item since that was my problem. "Okay, just spent 100 hours on getting to be crazy, what's the next goal to go for? *looks up top dps/ehp build using boneshatter* "Yea, that'll cost me multiple mirrors. no thanks." so I got to 40/40 for the first time and quit.
    I wish they added points early on to allow you to turn off the mechanic for mapping. I lost so many maps T1-10 due to "accompanied by X" and not being powerful enough yet to handle 10 rouge exiles at once. I lost more maps to yellow mods compared to any blue mod early, and later on blue mods plus 100% deli or map affix combined would brick it. Then I got powerful enough that only T17s were an issue, but that never stopped being the case as a melee.
    I really enjoyed the league, the graveyard was in a bad spot, and I think it's really bad that 3rd party tools were required to have any chance at getting decent gear. and it was 100% fill it up or don't bother. I can only think of two situations were I used one corpse for bases, leveling and getting rares was nice at league start, and needing a specific base to roll for some mod (people wanted quivers to alt spam +projectiles then regal and fracture)
    Overall I really enjoyed the league, and I'm not looking forward to how hard it'll be to get geared in any following league, but I also expect some uniques to be cheaper going forward since even as time pressed on HHs kept lowering in price as did MBs which means that people were still acquiring them at a decent rate.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (151)

    @mastery790110 дней назад +2

    You guys wont believe me, I only had one T17 map drop from two months of playtime. That is insane bad luck.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (152)

      @user-baev10 дней назад

      I believe you, but that's not bad luck. It's either you are complete joke of a player or your Atlas sucks. I dropped like 200 in 240 hours.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (153)

      @mastery790110 дней назад

      @@user-baev Nope followed strategy perfectly, respeced tree and ran multiple times .

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (154)

      @dr.morbius10 дней назад +1

      @@user-baev Who cares about the hours. How many maps did you do? I did 400 maps and got 0 T17. I went to standard to test something, did one map and got a T17.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (155)

      @mastery790110 дней назад

      @@dr.morbius Dont take it the wrong way but Im actually happy that it was not just me, in a weird way lmao.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (156)

      @user-baev10 дней назад +1

      @@dr.morbius I did like 800-1000. I can't believe you, guys. Sometimes I dropped like 2-3 per map. I have no clue, maybe your filter hides them or you are two of unluckiest players in the game.
      At least you can buy lottery tickets now, since all bad luck sucked into map drops, who knows, maybe it's time to get rich

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (157)

    @Siris67718 дней назад

    The mandatory lanterns kinda killed it for me, I'd finally get an upgrade I was working towards, and it was kinda hard to feel the difference it made cause they would make the same map feel wildly different on difficulty for me

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (158)

    @bibou2910 дней назад

    footage using the wow colored filter, love it :D my fav (idk if it's skryah maybe?)

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (159)

    @Prakx910 дней назад +7

    I didn’t like the corpse mechanic, nor the graveyard crafting, or the map mod mechanic. However I liked my EK ignite build more than anything so I really liked the league for the wrong reasons.
    Most of the time, it’s your build that determines whether you like the league or not.

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (160)

      @steamh4mmer26410 дней назад

      Everytime i had fun i played biw builds, like in scourge or Ritual, in sh*t leagues like synthesis and Expedition i played melee, coincidence?

    • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (161)

      @Xqvvzts10 дней назад

      Glad to hear that. I'm planning to try it next league.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (162)

    @TXIIILightning10 дней назад

    The constant mid-league nerfs killed all the fun for me. Just as I was done getting a build and items ready to farm a new strat, it got nerfed and I lost all the investment overnight.
    After it happened for a third time I just rushed the challenges and gave up. I didn't want to farm enough currency to buy more scarabs and maps only to risk it getting nerfed again.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (163)

    @Sethekk10 дней назад

    Missed these kind of videos, well done! :)

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (164)

    @voodoo106910 дней назад

    As a SC trade player the only aspect of t17s I enjoyed was the chaos sink. Divines not being 200+ chaos all league was so freaking enjoyable.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (165)

    @Ensavier9 дней назад

    I found a mageblood in like my 15th map or something like that (probably higher but I wasn't counting) so I was like "oh I just had an awesome league start"

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (166)

    @Kevfactor10 дней назад

    I actually liked it a lot but it was the first league i got like past like 1 void stone and dove deep in what some of the end game mechanics are hehe. having 3 choices for atlas also was great too as I could have one for the league mechanic and just getting good maps to drop and another for some mechanics I like doing- yeah usally legion :)

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (167)

    @misterdjpookie579010 дней назад

    legit, my favorite league was scourge, the mechanic that added the corruption tree wasnt waht i liked so much, it was the fact that it was a really cool theme and you could just flip the map and be swarmed by demon and sh*t, soo cool.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (168)

    @crazy-tommy10 дней назад +1

    I played for some time and got three different builds to level 95 in SSF. The crafting was too complicated - I collected tons of coffins but in the end never used them. After a while I mostly ignored the league mechanic - so I used allflames randomly and didn't care about the modifiers or monster types. I really liked the higher chances on the Atlas nodes as it allowed my to get guaranteed mechanics in my maps. The scarab rework didn't feel good in SSF as I got mostly scarabs that weren't interesting - even 3:1 vendor trades didn't change this. If they would have left Harvest scarab rerolls in the game it could have been different. As scarabs felt so underwhelming, I think about ignoring them and keeping Unwavering Vision for extra points next league. As I didn't do all void stones I never found a T17 map in SSF, so can't say anything about them.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (169)

    @ajthedemon4010 дней назад

    As a casual player, I felt extremely behind since I couldn't take advantage to the early blast divine orb modifiers. Basically I was broke and didn't feel like continuing in trade league. I did go to SSF and had a much better experience though.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (170)

    @JUN-bu1ir10 дней назад +1

    Ziz, your playtime never lies😅 You've dropped from the league 2 months ago, and that's not even half way through. Which means..? You know what I'm saying..

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (171)

    @ThePaulineIndex10 дней назад

    And somebody who left the league super early, it actually had nothing to do with the league.
    I really enjoyed the mechanic but I got sent to a different state away from my computer for my job right after the season started.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (172)

    @TheFudily5 дней назад

    3:11 This happens (at varying degrees) every single league.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (173)

    @adalos195310 дней назад

    I have many quad stash tabs full of coffins. I never crafted a single thing because even with all those full tabs, I still would have had to buy a bunch of coffins to do the crafts I wanted to do.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (174)


    As an SSFR enjoyer I loved the scarabs we got. Massive graveyard crafts took days to gather so they felt good. T17s were practically out of the question so dont really know what I missed there. Overall a pretty good league.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (175)

    @ruibarian518710 дней назад

    The power wasn't too easy, an "average" endgame player would take 4 hours just to learn how to set up and run their first gravecraft and another 4 hours to actually trade for and set it up. I don't think that's unreasonable if the things that drop cost even more in time to farm, when you combine farming 50 divs (without bugs) and the time to learn and set it up, you're looking at like, 18 hours for a single good item.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (176)

    @MerrStudio8 дней назад

    6:00 - my no so casual ass running around with sh*tty gear: welp

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (177)

    @DMT-ix9zj9 дней назад +1

    I'm just the casual POE player who try's every league and just has fun. This is the first league i quit before finishing the campaign.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (178)

    @fofofoey10 дней назад

    tbh if necropolis manifests Mark's vision for POE1, I'm scared for its future. This is coming from someone not too hyped about POE2 (mainly because of gold) and still very hopeful for POE1.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (179)

    @StarlessSky200010 дней назад

    This was my first league, I just started like two and a half weeks ago but I had a blast

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (180)

    @KingJerbear10 дней назад

    I had the most fun this league that I've had in forever, mostly because of Goratha's Ice Nova build. I saved all my corpses early, because I didn't know how it worked, finally watched a video and then crafted a perfect wand in SSF HC. I then proceeded to die like 2 maps later - but still rerolled and leveled to 96 before I finally got burnt out. So I'll say, the base game was in a really fun place, that Archmage build was like the perfect build for me on SSF, but the league mechanic itself ended up just being frustrating to deal with. Both from the standpoint of trying not to die in difficult maps and also just dealing with the corpses themselves. I didn't farm a single T17 map so I can't speak personally on that, but it just seems like poor design to have the "profit" be THAT much greater that people feel forced to invest into T17s.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (181)

    @errolivorin10 дней назад

    i ignored the graveyard but loved the naturally juiced zones and maps. i made good money and got further than i ever have before. one map could double my chaos and immediately get me my next piece of gear. it was awesome. i feel like people wanted to hate it. the only real upset was the lacking coffin storage. everything else was business as usual IMO.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (182)

    @xFrostyDZN5 дней назад

    Regardless of anybody's retrospective opinion, I had very little fun during the league. Making currency was difficult. My (very) strong build couldn't do the new end game content. I quit after like two or three weeks. That is how I will remember Necropolis.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (183)

    @nicholasbennett27098 дней назад

    Forgot to mention how awful the random monster mods made levelling a character

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (184)

    @TheForgottenStag3 дня назад

    For a first time player it was fun for me it was the only time I could even get to act 2 and I couldn't get off the game I cant wait for the new league

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (185)

    @IceTax6910 дней назад

    The way it felt it was that they focused on making core game changes this league and completely forgot about league mechanic and hashed up something in the last minute. I mostly play for the league mechanic or if there are certain new mechanics/uniques etc to make builds that i find fun viable or more fun (like borrowed power in Affliction).

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (186)

    @redfish33710 дней назад

    League nodes should just be separate. Like wildwood ascendancies. Give some points and let us pick which "current mechanic" nodes to choose for those points. It shouldn't be in competition with non-current mechanic nodes.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (187)

    @JackFrost6910 дней назад

    I hated the fact that they really wanted to the corpses to physically show up in the morgue, that's why it was so limited. Stupid idea.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (188)

    @andreasbrey627710 дней назад

    Are you on the mark? (your question): I really like your concise analysis. I am asking myself though if the MIRACLE that newbees, mid-tier players (like me) and no-lifer / content creators can enjoy the "same" game does not lead to interpretation problems at the same time. I strongly believe that there are at least these three 'marks' and they need to be analyzed accordingly. I spammed my stash tabs with corpses but gave up early on farming a single full cemetary. I am grateful for the broken econmoy that gave me my first 6 DIV headhunter. I totally get the fascination and frustration of any new player of PoE. There are so many 'marks'.

  • Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (189)

    @chandaman9510 дней назад +2

    Yes. You're not gaslighting me!

Was Necropolis REALLY that bad? (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

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Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.