Staffordshire Weekly Sentinel (Potteries ed.) from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England (2024)

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Staffordshire Weekly Sentinel (Potteries ed.)i

Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England

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THE PREMIER WEEKLY 8 THE STAFFORDSHIRE WEEKLY SENTINEL FRIDAY OF SST TH bWJ DAN VISIT SOCIAL GATHERING OF ROTARIANS MORE WORK AT CHEADLE LOCAL SCOUTS AND SCOUTING pres )0 Charity Effort At Biddulph Plea for Light Industries (By ASM) Fib! Officers Staffords i the i sonp2 Finney I As a tribute to the memory of the late Frank Baskeyfield the Tunstall Division Scout Groups with representatives of the Girl Guides and Scouts in other Divisions attended a special service in Christ Church Tunstall on Sunday afternoon Outside everywhere was wet and gloomy but inside the church the large congregation which included relatives and many lay friends and fellow-workers of joined in a service which was bright with light and colour and music The reason for the special service was the dedication of a Divisional Flag given in his memory and subscribed fellow-workers of the for by his fellow-workers of the Mr Harry Oakes (Dan Archer of the Archer family) and his wife were guests at a sale of work held in the Public Hall in aid of Biddulph Darby and Joan Club The proceeds amounted to £140 from which expenses have to be deducted Among those present were Mr Bennison (Chairman of the Urban Council) and Mrs Bennison Mr Poole (Vice-Chairman) Mr Trace (Clerk to the Council) Mrs Moreton (WVS Club Leader) and Miss Kay (WVS Centre Organiser) Welcomed by Mrs Moreton Mr Oakes in a humorous speech recalled th: his first intiroductiion to broadcasting was in a programme with the River Trent when he described the journey through the Potteries from its source at Biddulph Moor Mr Bennison moved a vote of thanks to Mr Oakes and this was supported by Mr Poole OLDEST devoted iS' in imprint of elr badge on the Presented the use oken of the ofe tl0TVf he Presentatio Coi Turner ttatfM bv eVer jas handed driring l0 he maenmaivr Canip Mr- Finnev of -1 said he ai Dieasurn Was in in pSa'nyNOrtaht 2 aS: SoH5 i The President of Cheadle Rotary Club (Mr Johnstone OBE) with officials of Rotary Clubs throughout North Staffordshire at the Rotary Ball held in the Carlos Institute Cheadle Week-end Wireless Programmes FINE BLOOMS ON SHOW A SATURDAY Stanley Black and To-day's 910: THIRD PROGRAMME 464 metres and 194 metres 6o: Bach (organ music) 640: MIDLAND HOME SERVICE (276 metres) 630: Time Military Band 655: Smallthorne Pioneer Club Event Entries at the annual chrysanthemum show organised by members of the Smallthorne Pioneer Club The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser 745: Faure's String Quartet 815: Place in European Painting (talk) 845: Orchestral Concert 935: Tibet (talk) 955: Orchestral Concert Part 2 1030: Sir Thomas Phillips by A Munby 1120: Brahms (records) 1140: Time and the Poet (review of Collected Poems 1921-1951) 120: Time Close -went wen Light industries for Cheadle were discussed at length at the Cheadle Parish Council meeting on Monday when a letter was read from the Board of Trade The letter slated that the Board of Trade were interested in siting light industries in Cheadle and it appeared that in spite of the closing down of the coal mines in the Cheadle district male unemployment remained at below per cent compared with the national average of just over per cent It continued that it appeared tha the problem was female unemployment in the district and it was unfortunate that part of the textile factory was destroyed by fire The Parish Counci decided to forward the Board of Trade letter to Mr Harold Davies MP tor Ieek requesting he do all in his power to encourage the provision of light industries in the Cheadle district MATERNITY HOME? Thp Courtcil was informed that the scheme to convert the now idle Cheadle Isolation Hospital into a maternity home has again been shelved reason for stated a letter from the Regional Hospital Board is the severe cuts ihe Board has sustained in the amount of capital allocated by the Ministry of Health for building progress The Ministry is itself conditioned by national circ*mstances As now fairly commcm knowledge the country is experiencing an economic crisis and the repercussions of that crises are being felt in all Mr Goodwin said he still believed that with the co-operation of all public bodies in C'-headle the scheme for a maternity home could be brought to fruition suggestion had been made (he said) that patients be moved from Cheadle Hospital to the Isolation Hospital and that a maternity wing be provided at Bank-street Hospital This could be done for £12000 some similar figure The Parish Council appointed a deputation to be accompanied by members of the Cheadle RDC to appear before the Regional Hospital Board to press that the Chead'e Isolation Hospital at akeway should be put into commission without delay meth for the Ml- Fmney the ranks the iate i Greenwood as can COmnam company TELEVISION evening there were several visitors including Mr Marshall Amor Mr Jones (SM 8t Luke's) Mrs Jones and Mrs Harvey The Cubs spent Sunday morning in more games while those of their elders who were not leading them performed their labours of love in the kitchen An interesting break was provided by the visit of Miss Smith (ADC Woif Cubsi who having been acquainted with the tasks of the officers and kitchen staff told the Pack a story Several photographs were then taken After an excellent dinner the boys played a hectic game of blow (a variation on basket ball) and followed this with more fast-moving games Then came the unwelcome task of preparing for home The a-li too brief week-end was over but it will be a long time before it is forgotten It was as great a pleasure for the officers as for he Cubs Those present were: Miss Scally (St Miss Att-wocd (52nd St Fenton) Lucas Wool-ridge Piatt Walker (74th City) Messrs Harvey (Ake'a) Quick (52nd City) Beeston and Bloo-r (74th City) and 16 Cubs TB ASSOCIATION SWIMMING GALA The third annual swimming gala of the City Boy Scouts took place at tne Newcastle Baths last week All six Divisions sent competitors or teams and the competition was good After quite an exciting race Surslem won the inter-Divisional shield with 28 points followed by Tunstall (25 points) and Newcastle 13 The Junior Squadron race was won by Tunstall with Newcastle second and Burslem third A beautiful and impressive display of speed and style swimming was given by Miss Lilian Preece Ladies Captain of the 1952 Olympic swimming team The Chairman (Mr Beech) and the Vice-Chairman (Mr John Marshall) of the City Boy Association wet present and the medals and trophies were presented by Miss Lilian Preece Mrs Bosson and Miss Howard Guide Commissioner for Burslem The gala was organised by the Bwimmin Sub-Committee of the City Boy Association: Messrs Bosson Redfern Harrison Pepper Barker and A Ravenscroft SHORTS Sympathy is extended to the parents and to the 67th City (St Mount PeasanV) upon the sad death through a cycle accident of Alan Clowes who was a keen young Scout in the Troop Many telegrams of good wishes from Scouts were received by Mr and Mis A (Jim) Hudson and family at Tilbury before they sailed on the Chusan lor Hong-Kong last Friday At London those wno saw t-iem off on the boat train included Mr Peter Cooke of the Overseas Department at Imperial Scout Headquarters and Mr and Mrs Marshall Amor Before sailing Christopher Hudson who was a member of the 1st Stone Troop succeeded in obtaining his Scout Badge his final in the Venture Badge test being the unusual one of toxop-hily The Ladies Committee Christmas Sale held at Stoke Scout Headquarters last Saturday was a very happy and successful event which adds yet another £40 to the sums already earned by the Committee for the Association M-r Clifford Owen Scoutmaster of the 28th City (Shelton) troop has received nis certificate for part One (theoretical) of the Scout Woo-d Badge He took Part Two (practical) at Kibbiestone Harry Chesters a former Senior Scc-ut of the 28th Citv (Shelton Troop is making good progress at a Sea Training Sch-oo-l in Gloucestershire prio-r to making the Merchant Navy his career Mrs Oakes was presented with a bouquet by Mr Udale the oldest Darby in the club and two of the oldest Joans also made presentations They were Mrs Taylor and gave Mr Oakes a Toby jug and Mrs Berrisford who presented Mr Oakes Mr Bennison Mr Poole and Mr Trace with buttonholes A sale of Dan Archer autographs realised £4 and baskets of fruit were auctioned by Mr Oakes The competition for the best stall was won by Mrs Pearson (fancy china) Mrs Oakes was the judge THE HELPERS office unt and cw 1930 battalion Weather 70: Time News 710: Programme Parade 715: Record Roundabout 750: Lift Up Your Hearts 755: Weather 80: Time News 810: Pro gramme Parade 8 15: BBC Revue Orchestra 90: Recital 960: Village Debate (talk) 945: Squire Celeste Octet 1015: Service 1030: Music While You Work 110! Time BBC Midland Light Orchestra 1155: The Forces Show 1255: Weather 10: Time News 110: Records of Vaudeville Stars I55: Listen to the Band 230: Ted Heath and Music 30: BBC Northern Orchestra 415: Saturday Matinee 50: Hour 555: Weather 60: Time News 615: Midland News 625: Sport in the Midlands 650: Music by Anton Karas (records) 70: In Town Tonight 730 Week in Westminster 745: The Star Show 90: Time News 915: The Wind of Heaven (play) 1045: Prayers 110: Time News Summary II3: Close Vision 6175 Mcs Sound 5825 Mcs 110-120: Children's Newsreel 30-4 0: Swimming gala from Glasgow 530-630: Television 655: Festival of Remembrance from Albert Hall London 910: Operation Diplomat (serial) 940: Cafe Continental 10 4i): Weather News (sound) tn the wider battalion wofk and held on Saturday were almost double those of last year the excellent display of blooms evoking high praise from the Judge Mr Churchill The Committee were fortunate in having two further cups one donated by the Club President and the other by the Vice-President Mr Jarvis a Ridgway exhibitor won the Club Challenge Cup with a total of 13 points and Mr Worthy the class Cup Mr Perks was awarded a diploma in the open class and Mr Sheldon in the class Orchestra 830 Orchestra 9-0: Time News Job 915 Hullo There 100: Wilfred Pickles 1050: A Service of Remembrance from Cenotaph London 1115: Music by Elgar (records) 1130: Service 120: Family Favourites I15: Billy Cotton Band Show I45: Educating Archie 215: Lester Ferguson 245 Tex Ritter 30: Royal Performance (variety) 430: Henry Guest Night 50: Book by the Fire 530: Bedtime with Braden 60: Round Britain Quiz 630: Double Top 70: Time News Radio Newsreel 730: The Brushwood Boy (play) 830: Community hymn-singing 80: Grand Hotel 100: Time: News 1015: Charlie Kunz (piano) 1030: Hymns 1045: Sandy Macphereon (organ) II15: Eiton Hayes (guitar) II35: Tom Jones Trio 1156: News Summary 120 Time Close THIRD PROGRAMME 60: Heinrich Schutz (records) 615: Alchemy (talk by Sherwood Taylor) 635: One Eye Wild (play) 750: Orchestral Concert 850: Edmund Spenser (talk) 920: Chamber Music 1055: Festivals of the Ancient Near East (talk) 1115: Francesco Anerio: Requiem Mass 1155: Close TELEVISION 1045-1120: Service of Remembrance from Cenotaph London 5 0-60: Television 70 Newsreels 80: My Line? 840: The Morning Star (play) 1025: Epilogue 1035: Weather News (sound) ha rendered ri'otj! iu offices umce those of Quarternia manding nQnf tt dent British-Thomson-Houston Company of Newcastle The inscription engraved on the brass mounting of the flag pole reads: Presented by fellow-workers of the BT Co Newcastle in memory of Frank Baskeyfield Scoutmaster of the 242nd City Biddulph Grange Called to Higher Service February 23rd 1952" The flag was formally handed over by Mr Boorman MBE Manager of the BTH Co arid was received on behalf of the Tunstall Scouts by Dr Rutherford Fee (President of the Division) who then called upon the Vicar of Christ Church (Preben-diary Jesse Howse) to dedicate it Prior to this the lesson had been read by Dr Hamilton (Chairman of the Division) and the Scout Law recited by Elijah Simpson of the 12th City The colour party consisted of Fred Hall (12th City) Jim Daniels (113th) and Donald Rowe (59th) A collection was taken for the King George VI Memorial Fund In his address the Vicar spoke of Frank Baskeyfield's loveah'e-ness loyalty and his unselfish service and on this Sunday following All he linked the lives of the Saints with the lives of scouts Representatives of the City Boy Association who vere present were Mr Marshall Amor (Secretary i Mr Board-man (District Scoutmaster) and Mrs Brown (Assistant Secretary) Owing to quarantine at Grange the Hospital Scout Troop had to be represented by the Matron Miss Cleator The service and parade arrangements were in the hands of the District Commssio ler (Mr Hodby) assisted by Mr A (DSM) and Mr Smith (DCM) The Tunstall C-oups ren-esented wer the 11th (Kidsgrovel 12th City (Christ Church' 59th Citv (New-chanel) 81st City (St 115th City (Goldenhi'il) 235th Citv (Tunstall High-street School) ad the 239tti City (Biddulph Moor) 74h CITY PACK WEEKEND Last week-end the 7 4th City (St Luke Silverdale) Pack together with a Cubmaster and three Cubs from the 256th City (St Own camped at the Meir Scout House The Pack settled into their congenial surroundings immediately and by tea-time the programme which began with a brisk games was in ful swing A very colourful item was the jungle dances performed by the Pad: and some of the officeis under the leadership of Chii and Kaa The most elective was a Red Indian dance for which the Cubs wore feathered head-dresses The Camp Fire was extremely impressive varied and bright with the infallible mix ure choruses yei sol-os and sketches and music from two harmonicas An original note was 'truck by the dazzling firework display to which everyone had contributed During the SUNDAY MIDLAND HOME SERVICE Harold Honorar President five yea! the battalion owes his efficient and leadership LIGHT PROGRAMME 1500 metres and 247 metres 90: Time News 910: House- Mr Finney hi Deacon at the Church Hanley years and se Executive Conn Werrington br British Legion Choice 955: A story hymn and prayer 100: Time Hulio There 1045: Music While You Work 110: Time BBC Midland Light Orchestra 120: Yesterday- in Parliament 1215: Sid Phillips and Band- 1255: Sports Parade 115: Billy M-ayerl and Players 145: Listen on Saturday 20: Douglas Reeve (organ) 225: The Grand Sefton Steeple- The helpers were: Confec tionery stali Mrs Moses Mrs A Black Mrs Moss Mrs iviountford Fancy stall Mrs A Bennett Miss Finney Mrs Gibson Mrs A Weston rancy china stall Mrs A Pearson Mrs Lovatt Mrs Full wood Mrs Lingham Mrs A Doorbar Apron stall Mrs Tunstall Mrs Wailett Mrs Sherratt Mrs Ethel Snerratt Guessing competition Mrs Dudley Bran tub Mrs Holland Miss Marsh Stewards Mr Higginbotham Mr Perry Mr Rowley Mr Mellor Mr Hill Grocery stall Mr Higgs Mr Brockiey Mr Evans Mr Eaton Haberdashery Mrs Leese Mrs Moreton stall Mrs Parsons Mrs A Finney Mrs A Ward Mrs Gibson Crockery stall Mrs Hanco*ck Mrs Brown Mrs Lawton Mr A Finney Master Chambers Fortunes Mrs Wardle Mrs Hall Supervisory duties Mrs Scott Mrs Wilshaw Mr Reynolds Refreshments Mrs Machin Mrs Reeves Mrs Charlesworth Mrs Knitter Mrs Dean Mrs Pointon Mrs Mills Miss Weeks Mrs Hazledine Mrs Nixon and Mrs Shaw 750: Readings 755: Weather 80: Time News 810: Programme Parade 820 London Light Concert Orchestra 920: Programme arade 930 Service 1015: Beethoven (records) Remembrance Day Taik 1030: Service of Remembrance from Cenotaph London 1115: -For Farmers 1130: Music Magazine 1210: The Critics 1255: Weather I0: Time- News 110: Country Magazine 140: Opera (records) 20: Gardening 220: Midland MPs at Westminster 230: Rossetti's Wife (play) 40: Music of Edward German 445: A Day in the Life of a Member of Parliament 50: Children's Hour 550: Money Matters 555: Weather 60: Time News 615: United Nations report 630: Symphony Concert 745: Service 825: Good Cause 830: The Eustace Diamonds (serial) 90: Time News 915: Some Letters from Abroad 945 Chamber Orchestral Concert 1030: In Memoriam (poetry and prose) 1052: Epilogue II0: Time News Summary 113: Close LIGHT PROGRAMME Time: BBC Variety PRIZEWINNERS The show was opened by Mr Steele (Spragg House) who congratulated the exhibitors on their blooms and commended the interest taken by workingmen in chrysanthemum culture The prizewinners were: Open Classes Incurves: 1 and 2 Perks 3 Jarvie Currys: 1 and 2 Jarvis 3 Perks Reflex decorative 1 Slater: 2 Bibby 3 Hoidcroft Specimen "blooms: 1 Perks 2 James 3 A Gould Singles: 1 and 2 Jarvis 3 Perks Classes Incurved any variety: 1 Worthy 2 Sheldon 3 A Barnish Reflex: 1 2 and 3 Worthy Singles: 1 2 and 3 Worthy The flowers were afterwards sold in aid of the old people and fund The committee responsible for organisation was: Mr Pointon (Chairman) Messrs A Lloyd Fall Hawley Charles Clacker Slack Mayer Yeomans A and Bourne (Secretary) 41 CLUB FORMED CAR HIT When a car drii George Anthony RoboL 34 Lichfield-road 1 canie into collision boundary wall ofTk( Newport-road Stafion early hours of Simd driver escaped injinj Two passengers 1 treatment at the General Infirmar Brice aged 23 oil street the lip and 1 aged 19 of Stafford hi chase 240: Records BBC Variety Orchestra 330: Association Football Records of Doris Day World of Jazz 530 Sports Report 60: Records of Burl Ives 615: Just William 645: Can I Help You 70: Time News Radio News-reel 725 Charles Buchan on football 730: The Archers 830: BBC Concert Orchestra 930: Festival of Remembrance from Albert Halt London 100: Time News 1015: BBC Show Band 110: Jack Jackson's Record Round-Up 1156 News Summary 120: Time Close At the inaugural meeting of the 41 Club of Stoke-on-Trent confined to former members of the Round Table Mr Hall was Elected President The club will be affiliated to the National Association of Clubs Mr Proctor was appointed Treasurer and Mr Burton The Dene Keele-road -Newcastle Fifty industrial scholarships are being offered by the Federation of British Industries to young graduate engineers from South America Treasury returns showed a surplus of £29464683 last week right tnumo 111s rograr of High Cine: of ti uderi ir from 1 tl ervid DOMESTIC ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES SERVICING ORGANISATION SO SUCCESSFUL HAS BEEN OUR POLICY OF EXTENDING THE SAME EXPERT MAINTENANCE SERVICE TO WASHING MACHINES OF ALL MAKES WHICH FOR MANY YEARS HAS BEEN AVAILABLE TO OWNERS OF SERVIS WASHERS THAT THE VOLUME OF MAINTENANCE WORK NOW HANDLED BY THE SERVIS SERVICING ORGANISATION CALLS FOR LARGER PREMISES ACCORDINGLY THE WASHER SERVICING DEPOT HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO larger and MORE UP-TO-DATE premises at PALMERSTON STREET HANLEY STOKE-ON-TRENT Us COLLECTION AND DELIVERY Are only two of the many features available Keep your washer washing RE-SPRAYS REPAIRS ROLLERS RE-COVERED Expert attention by Specialists in the shortest possible time with the greatest efficiency is available to you through our organisation Phone HANLEY 29944 or write now for immediate attention.

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.