Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)

Today's Market, 1:30 STOCKS Quotations by Reinholdt Gardner 209 S. Jefferson, Phone 4-2591 Allied Stores General Electric Chalmers General Motors American Airline Gillette American Radiator Greybound American Grumman American Tobacco Gulf Oil Anaconda Cop. Illinois Central Bendix Aviation International Harvester Beth. Steel Johns-Manville Burroughs Kennecott Copper Canadian Pacific Laelede Gas Chesapeake Co. Myers Chrysler Lily-Tulip Cities Serivce Montgomery Ward Deere Co.

I Motorola Dome Mines National Biscuit Dow Chemical NY. Central Du Pont Penney (JC) Eastern Air Phelps Dodge Eastman Kodak Philco Empire Dis. Electric Philip Morris Ford Phillips Pet. Produce POULIMY Heavy Heps Hybrid Hens Leghorn Hens Roosters and Heavy Springs Hybrid Springs Leghorn Springs White Ducks Colored Docks Geese EGGS Grade A Large Medium Grade Large Dirties and Small Current Receipts. Coroner's Jury Blames Victim In Fatal Crash G.

C. (Joe) Lunsford, 31, of 447 South Robberson, a salesman fatally injured in an auto accident March 18, was blamed last night by a coroner's jury for the accident which caused his death. After a hearing set at the Herman Lohmeyer Funeral Home, the jury decided that Lunsford caused the accident "by losing control of his automobile while operating it in a careless and reckless manner and at an excessive Lunsford died -of a skull fracture two days after his car passed an ambulance at high speed on Highway 60, near Rogersville and overturned. A passenger, Sgt. Kenneth Connelly, 24, of Fordland Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron, remains hospitalized at Fort Wood.

Witnesses last night were Trooper F. E. Stephens and Carlos Bledsoe, a Hartville funeral director and ambulance -driver. An inquest is scheduled for o'clock tonight at the Jewell E. Windle Funeral Home into the Olive Evers, 56, Monte, March 29 traffic death, of Mrs.

west of the city. 112 Persons Turn Out for Vaccine The first of four free Salk polio vaccine clinics was held yesterday at Handley Hospital with 112 persons taking part. Health Director R. M. Ryekman said he is hopeful the turnout will be bigger Thursday and also Tuesday and Thursday of next week, Appointments for the 4-to-8 p.m.

clinics must be made in advance 'at the hospital, County Health Department, or Greene County Medical. Society office. Youngsters between therages of 1 and 14 and pregnant women are eligible providing they cannot afford to pay for shots from private physicians. Jon Browning Heads Republicans at SMS Jon Browning, was named chairman Young Club of Southwest Missouri State College, at a meeting at the SMS student center last night. Other new officers include Paul Trantham, co chair Barbara Hill, secretary; and Margaret Smith, treasurer.

Jack Weidmann, chairman of the Greene County Young Club, was the guest speaker at the meeting. The club's next meeting will be held on April 17. AN AIR FORCE representative will be in Springfield April 11 to talk with young women interested in an Air Force career. Airman First Class Eleanor J. Powers will be at the AF recruiting station in the Federal Building from 8 a.m.

to 5 p. m. TABLE SALT Only about 3 percent of the total salt produced in the U.S. reaches consumers across the dinner table. U.S.

WEATHER WEATHER DATA FOR SPRINGFIELD Temperatures: Highest yesterday morning 72; 35; highest 68 years 85 in lowest yesterday 43; lowest this 1942; lowest this date in 68 years 22 in 1920. Precipitation: Rain or melted snow from 6:30 a.m. yesterday to 6:30 a.m. today heaviest rain this date in 68 years 1.50 in 1928. Sun: Rose this morning sets tonight 6:361.

length of daylight 12 hours, 43 minutes. Data supplied by U. S. Department of Commerce Weather Bureau: firet column, highest temperature second, lowest last nights third, precipitation during past 24 hours ending 6:30 a.m. Stations High Low Pree.

Albuquerque 31 Amarillo 61 Birmingham Boise Boston Chicago Columbia Denver Detroit Duluth Fort Smith Fort Worth Kansas City Little Rock Los Angeles Memphis Miami, Fla. Minneapolis New Orleans New York Oklahoma City Omaha Phoenix Pittsburgh Salt Lake City Seattle St. Louis SPRINGFIELD Tulsa Washington West Plains Wichita MISSOURI -Partly cloudy this afternoon becoming colder generally. this afternoon and in the fair tonight and Thursday: northeast portion tonight; warmer Thursday: low tonight 30-35 northeast northeast to 409 to southwest: high Thursday 608 708 southwest. and tonight warmer west and central KANSAS Generally fair this afternoon and portions: warmer Thursday low tonight 35-401 high increasing cloudiness Thursday In: 700.

ARKANSAS this afternoon tonight and Thursday: no. Important north temperature portion tonight. warmer today tonight and Thursday: inOKLAHOMA Fair today and tonight; creasing cloudiness Thursday with south: chance low of scattered tonight 35 northwest to 55 southwest; high Thuraday 75-85. 4, 1956 (SPRINGFIELD (Me.) LEADER PRESS 1 Radio Corp. Republic Steel Reynolds Tob.

Safeway Stores St. L-San Fran. 102 Sears Roebuck Socony-Mobile Std. Ou 3 Std. 011 Cal.

Swift 474 Studebak Sylvania Texas Co. 20th Century Fox Union Carbide United 'Aircraft United Air Lines U. S. Rubber U. S.

Steel Vanadium Corp. Western Union Westinghouse SAVINGS MEMO of American families have no liquid assets. Liquid Assets -1956 (Spending Zero and Up WE'VE GOT PLENTY OF NOTHING) $500 to $2.000 SI to $500 S6L, shares, Postal. Credit Unions, S. Gov bonds and related persona Date: Federal Reserve Morris Katz Livestock HOGS The hog market was fully steady with Tuesday's average with top of $14.75 on choice No.

1 hogs. 190-240 pounds 250-300 13.75-14.25 170-180 pounds 13.25-14.25 140-160 pounds 10.50-12.25 Sows. 400 pounds and down 12.00-12.50 Heavier weight sOWS 10.50-11.50 Stocker, feeder pigs 8.00-11.00 Stags 6.50- 8.00 (depending quailty) Heavy boars 5.00- 5,50 with choice light weights 6.00- 6.50 CATTLE The market was generally steady on all classes. Good to choice butcher yearlings 500-600 16.50-17.50, extra kinds higher; medium to good 15.00-16.00: utility and commercial 12.00-14.00. Good to choice fed steers and yearlings.

16.50-17.50, prime kinds higher; medium to good, utility and commercial grades 12.00-14.00. Utility and commercial cows with choice heiferette kinds up to 12; cutters 10.00-10.50; canners 8.50-9.50: with shelly canner cows lower, good to choice bulla, 12.00-13.50 with odd head extra cholce up to 14.00: medium bulls common to choice light stock 9-10: stock heifers cows 10. 11; good to 13-15; common and medium. with plain kinds feeder quoted steers lower: good 16.00-17.001 to choice with stocker and extra choice lightweight higher: medium to good 12.00-14.00. VEALS The veal market was fully steady with majority of good to choice 18.00-21.00: with strictly prime up to 23.00; medium to good 14.00-17.00: common kinds 10.00-12.00:/ bull calves 12.00-14.00; 250-300 pound veal calves 17.00-19.00; good to choice 350-500 pound calves 16.00-17.00; medium kinds 13.00-14.00; common kinds 10.00-12.00: 150- 200 pound boner calves from 8.0-10.00: 90 pound and down calves 7.00-9.00; stock calves 14.00-17.50 with choice kinds ing higher.

LAMBS lamb market was steady with Tuesday's close with top of $19.00 on strictly prime wool lambs with bulk of good and choice 18.50-19.00; lambs discounted: feeder lambs 15.00-17.00: light culls lower: wool ewes, 4.00-6.50 with breeding ewes selling per head 12.50- goats from 4.00-5.00 with choice Angora goats selling higher. A few choice spring lambs at 21.40 with prime kinds quoted higher. NATIONAL STOCKYARDS -HOgS 12.200. to 25c Moderately lower active. than Barrows and gilts weak Tuesday's average.

Sows steady. to. 250 lower, bulk mixed S. No: 15.25; several loads 15.00-15.25: Several leage share 15.35. hundred head mostly No.

1-2 around 190-230 lb. 15.50: few loads mixed grade mostly No. 2-3 250-290 lb. 14.35-15.00; 140-170 lb. 13.25- 14.50; few 110-130 lb.

11.75-13.00; SOWS over 400 15 12.504324: heavier SOWS boars 7.50-9.00. Cattle 3700, calves 700, Opening slow on steers Initial and heifers confined but generally heavy, sales largely to high good and choice steers at 18.50-19.50. with load high choice and prime around 1450 lb. at 19.50. Few small lots medium and good quality stocker steers 15.50-17,25.

mainly 600-750 lb. good and choice heifers and mixed yearlings 17.50-18.50; commerand low good 15.00-17.00; COWS up about 16 percent of the total supply, finding less aggressive demand than steady, early utility in week. and Opening commercial sales about 12.50-13.50. canners and cutters largely commercial unchanged, utility and good heavy 12.00 -down; canner and cutter bulls 10.00- 12.50; vealers and calves steady, some easiness on commercial and prime 26.00; and choice 17.00-21.00 with some choice around 450 lb. slaughter calves 18.00.

Call and 10.00-16.00. Sheep 900. Moderately active, about steady. Six decks mostly choice 111 lb. and lambs No.

1 pelts 19.50; few good shorn choice old crop. wooled lambs 19.50- 20.50, small lot choice 21.00. utility and good culls 10.00-14.00; wooled ewes salable mostly 4.50-6.00. Cash Grains SPRINGFIELD MARKET (Courtesy of MFA Milling Company) WHEAT 1 Hard 82.10 No. Red 82.10 BARLEY No.

a 48-pound test 81.00 OATS No. 2 36-pound test CORN No. 2 shelled $1.40 MILO Per Cwt. s2.00 MRS. ETHEL ROSS BERG Mrs.

Ethel Ross Berg, 59, former Springfield and West Plains resident, died last night at Arlington, after suffering a heart attack. Mrs. Berg, who lived here 18 years ago, attended Drury College. Survivors include a son and daughter; brother, Frank Ross of Ojai, and a brother-in-law, F. Pr Anderson ef-1335, Cherry.

RUTH ANN FLOWERS Ruth Ann Flowers, 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flowers, former Everton residents, died at 5 p.m. yesterday at Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where she had been a patient for the past week. Besides her parents, the child is survived by three brothers, Donald of Bolivar, and Richard and Darrell, both of the home at Hickman Hills: a sister, Joyce of -the home, and her maternal mother, Mrs.

Amenida Bell of 'Hickman Hills. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Birch of Ash Grove. FRANK J. MAZZOCHINI Rosary services for Frank J. Mazzochini, 61, of 846 South Missouri, chief engineer at St.

Johns Hospital who died Monday night, will be held at 7:30 p. m. today at the Herman Lohmeyer Chapel. Funeral mass will be said at 9 a. m.

tomorrow at St. Agnes Church, with- -Msgr. V. A. Schroeger.

officiating at both services. Burial will be in St. Mary's. Cemetery, Pallbearers will include Bob Lipscomb, Bob Magers; Joe Thurman, Pat Artwein, Armond Adorino and Herman Stenson. MRS.

GROVER DAMERON Mrs. Ella Dameron, 65, of 2537 Mt. Vernon, died at 9:40 a.m: today at Burge Hospital. She entered the hospital Thursday. A resident of Springfield since 1938, she was a member of the Baptist church and Eastern Star.

Survivors include her husband, Grover, a realtor; three sons, the Rev. Ivan L. Dameron of Clarksburg, Edwin of 817 North Pickwick and Bill I. of 820 South; three daughters, Mrs. R.

D. Bagley of Moberly, Mrs. Si Bench of 1447 East McDaniel and Mrs. Chester Cook of Nebo; brother, James H. Luesley of California: two sisters, Mrs.

Carl Raine and Mrs. Leonard Bradley, both of Huntsville: and 22 grandchildren. Arrangements are under direction of Jewell E. Windle. Crashes CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25 of the left knee and foot and sprained wrist, and Jack Inman, 16, of Route 9, pavement burns, were released from St.

John's Hospital after treatment. They told police they were standing on the front bumper of a car driven by Leonard Woomer, 17, of 757 South Weller, and pushing a car driven by Bob Myers, 19, of 936 State. Myers' car hesitated, police were told, and when Woomer applied his brakes to avoid bumping it again, the boys were thrown to the pavement in the 700 block South Glenstone. A car-truck crash on Highway 66, six miles east of Rolla, at midmorning yesterday injured five residents of Springfield and Fair Grove, enroute to a funeral at St. James.

Taken to Phelps County Hospital were Thomas J. Emerson, 51, of 1537 North Campbell, secretary of the Powell Brothers Truck Lines who suffered bruises; his wite, Ada, 50, kneecap fracture; Lee Hankins, 71, of Fair Grove, facial and teeth injuries; his wife, Pearl, 70, bruises and back injuries, and 0. E. Ready, 64, of Springfield, facial bruises. Their car, driven by Emerson, overturned after a collision with a pickup truck driven by James W.

Stogsdill, 67, of St. James. Thieme Files Name In Coroner's Race Ralph Thieme, Springfield undertaker and city councilman, yesterday afternoon filed for Republican nomination for coroner. Thieme said yesterday that he will leave it up to other members of the council to decide if he should resign at once or stay on until the outcome of the election is known. If successful, Thieme could serve on the council until he took fice Jan.

1, observers believed. April 4, 1956 Dote from U.S. WEATHER BUREAU 1 37 LOW WARM 54 ONARY The northwestern quarter will have showers along the -coast and BROW flurries in the higher elevations Inland. It will be warmer in the plains states; cooler in northern New England, the Great Lakes area and Montana, 401 Average Wednesday FORECAST Low Temperetres COLD ATRONT COLD COLD COLD Doin U.S. WEATHER BUREAU A LOW FORECAST blight Show -Associated Press Wirephote MIXED OUTLOOK- Showers and thunderare expected tonight east of the Mississippi except for New England and Florida, GEORGE W.

HEYDON George W. Heydon, 82-year-old lifelong Polk County resident, died at his home seven miles north of Bolivar at 6 a.m. today after a lingering illness. He is survived by his wife, Pearl; a brother, Albert of Spokane, and two nieces. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Erwin and Blue of Bolivar.

MRS. MINNIE E. HENZE Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie Ernestine Henze, 88, who died at 12:30 yesterday at her home in Flemington, will be held at 2 p. m.

tomorrow at. Flemington Christian Church, The Rev. Don E. Sype officiating, Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Martha Richardson of the home and Mrs.

Virginia Worthan of Los Angeles; a twin sister, Mrs. Anna Schnafre of High Hill, a granddaughter and a great-grandchild. Mr. Henze was a 50-year member of Riverview Camp 2862, Royal Neighbors, of Augusta, Mo, Burial in Flemington Cemetery will be under direction of Beckwith of Humansville. MRS.

CLYDE WINGO Mrs. Oel Wingo, 64-year-old former Springfield resident, of Falls Church, died Sunday at the home of a son, Joe Forrest Wingo of Aberdeen, after suffering an apparent, heart attack. Mrs. Wingo left Springfield six years ago. Survivors include her husband, Clyde; three daughters, Mrs.

Raymond King -of 706 North Fremont, Mrs. Mary June Lee of Germany, and Mrs. Vita Lee Childers of Kansas City, three sons, Edward W. of the home, James Carl of Orlando, and Joe Forrest: two brothers, Oren and Fred Miller of Ventura, a sister, Mrs. Jim Waddell of Dayton, Ohio, and 17 grandchildren.

The body was to be returned to Springfield last night for services and burial under direction of Klingner. MRS. DEBBIE HOLTON Mrs. Debbie Holton, 77, died at 5:35 p.m. yesterday at her home in Bolivar after a few weeks illness.

A lifelong resident of the Bolivar community, Mrs. Holton was a member of the First Baptist Church there. Survivors include a son, James H. of the home; a daughter, Mrs. Grace McKee of the home, and two grandchildren.

Funeral services will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at the Erwin-Blue chapel in Bolivar by the Rev. C. R. Hampton.

Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery at Bolivar. WILLIAM C. CONAWAY William Curtis Conaway, 69, of 514 State, died at 2:45 p.m. yesterday at Ozark Osteopathic Hospital after a lingering illness. Survivors include his wife, Nellie, five daughters, Mrs.

Mildred Ferrell, of Niles, Mrs. Emma Scott of Parsons, Mrs. Bernice Cecil of Indianapolis, Mrs. Lucille Vea of Gilroy, and Mrs. Blanche Oliver of Norwalk.

Ohio; two sons, Carson of Williford, and Eldon of Tulsa. Okla. three sisters, Mrs. Alice Lay of Escanaba, Mrs. Minnie Leonard of Stone Hill and Mrs.

Jennie Base of Taft, two brothers, Eugene of St. Clair and Earl of Salem, 10 grandchildren, and a great-grandchild. Funeral services will be ed at 2 p.m. Thursday at Rainey's Chapel of the Ozarks. Burial will be in Eastlawn.

E. L. SHELTON Elbert L. Shelton, 70, died Monday morning at his home in Mt. Vernon after a long illness.

Survivors include his wife, Bertha; two daughters, Mildred of the home and Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Mt. Vernon; a son, Marshall of Mt. Vernon; two sisters, Miss Jennie B. Shelton of Mt.

Vernon and Mrs. Mars Patten of Miller, and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Thursdayat the Fossett-Fowler Chapel in Mt. Vernon by the Rev.

Roy T. Nunn. Burial will be in the Odd Fellows at Mt. Vernon. Pallbearers will include C.

B. Hudson, W. L. Boucher, Howser Cotten, Emory Riggs, Harry Hall and Charles Parkhurst. MRS.

ANNA O. PUTMAN The body of Mrs. Anna O. Putman, 55, of Grand Island, who died early yesterday morning in a Springfield hospital of injuries suffered in a car-truck crash near Republic, Monday, has been returned to Grand Island for services and burial by the Max L. Fossett Funeral Home of Mt.

Vernon. Mrs. Putman is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.

V. McCulley of Mt. Vernon; a son, Eddie Young of Grand Island; daughter, Mrs. Mada McCuthon of Los Angeles; a sister, Mrs. Charles Litteral of Mt.

Vernon; and brother, Benton Looney of Sparta, Tenn. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Geddes Chapel in Grand Island. MRS. FAYE MAUCK Funeral services for Mrs.

Fay E. Mauck, 69, of 920 East Elm, who died yesterday in St. John's Hospital, will be at 2 p. m. Thursday in the Klingner Chapel with the Rev.

A. J. McClung officiating. Burial will be in. Maple Park Cemetery.

Pallbearers will include Ralph Barksdale, Harold Bueton, Benton McBride, James Bloemker, Julian Carrier and Willard Tucker. JAMES OLIVER BARKER James Oliver Barker, 58-year-old Mt. Vernon farmer, died at 3 a.m. yesterday at the Veterans' Hospital in Fayetteville, after an illness of six months. Mr.

Barker, a World War II veteran. was a longtime Mt. Vernon resident. He is survived by his sister, Mrs. Laura Raymond of Scottsbluff, and three brothers, Loren, Lewis and Allen, all of Mt.

Vernon. Funeral services will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at the Summit Church, with the Rev. A. B.

Christian officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery under the direction of Max L. Fossett. SPRINGFIELD: POPULATION 90,000 ALTITUDE: 1324 FT. CLIMATE: FINE To Mr.

and Mrs. -Donald Henry, 2353 North Kellett, a girl. 1:40 a.m. Wednes day, Springfield Baptist. Te Mr.

and Mrs. Tor Clopion, 2002 Kirkwood. a 6:11 a.m. Wednesday, Springfield Baptist. To Mr.

and Mrs. William Colvard. Nibey, 1:24 a.m. Wednesday, Ozark Osteopathic. To Mr.

and Mrs. Itobert Clayton, Ash Grove, a boy, 5:06 a.m. Wednesday, Ozark Osteopathic. To Mr. and Mrs.

H. Perkins, Brookline, Tuesday, St. John's To Mr. and Mrs. L.

F. Koch, 2317 West' Sunshine, bay, 7:49 p.m. 'Tuesday, St. John's. To Mr.

and Mrs. Guy L. Richardson, 1602 Latoka, a boy, 8:25 a.m, Wednesday. St. John's.

MARRIAGE LICENSES BIRTHS APPLICATIONS John Stewart Shockley, 24, Route and Collins Ann Hartley, Cassidy, Ozark, Red. and Top. BarJohn 25, bara Morrison, 20, Ozark. J. Harold Miller, 48, Rushville, and Mary E.

Dennen, 44, of 2049 North Jefferson, Pranklyn Rollen, 46, Joplin, and Gale Phillips, 46, of 825 East Elm. Charles Leslie Smith, 25, of 825 North Grant, and Dottie Jean Tucker, 24, of 2400 West Olive. Carl Edward -Dennis, 35, Diggins, and Lulla Irene Dennis, 35, Diggins, DIVORCE CASES PETITIONS Jeanette Marie Yager, vs. Paul Yager, married July 23, 1955, separated Mar. 30, 1956, charges he was cold and indifferent, associated with other women over her protests, promised to give the other woman up but continued to associate with her; asks child custody, child support and attorney's fees.

Young Nease Jord E. Nease, vs. married Jan. 12, 1956, separated Mar, 3. 1956, charges associated he with drank other to excess.

women, impro: used vile and abusive language, told her get out of their apartment, induced her to sell her Incrative cafe at Marshfield and now she is deprived of its income: asks alimony in gross and monthly, attorney and restoration of her former name, Young. Marjorie K. Morton vs. Ralph Julian Mar. Morton, married Dec.

12, 1950, separated 16. 1956, charges he become ated with another woman, whom she names her, in was the suit. quarrelsome improperly and abusive associated to the plaintiff. remained away from home night indifferent, on several refused occasions. was associating cold and to stop with other woman; asks child custody 0.

thre chidren, child support and attorney fees. GRANTED Erma Lee Black, no address or occupa: tion listed, vs. Don Carroll Black, address or occupation given; plaintiff awarded decree and custody of two children, $75 a port month for Carroll alimony, Black $49 and month $1 per child month sup. for Donna Sue Black, defendant awarded reasonable visitation rights. DISMISSED May A.

Winkler vs. Floyd D. Winkler. CITY UTILITIES NEW CUSTOMERS 'Patricia German, 2139 N. Kansas.

G. Goodman, Boliver Rd. Ressa: Hallack, 521 Hovey. Allen D. Mayfield, 621 E.

Monroe, Joe Weaver, 2105 Elizabeth, NEW RESIDENTS Norvel R. Cook, 1515 N. Sherman, from Eminence, Mo. Hettinger Dental Supply, 418 South, from Kansas City, James W. Keeling, 2111 N.

Grace, from Walnut Grove. Mo. 0. 1927 Cinderella, from Lamar, Mo. Everton, Mo.

Harold Wilkerson. 2810 W. Olive: from CHANGE IN LOCATION Mrs. Nellie A. Bowler, 630 E.

Stanford, from 1232 E. Linwood. Jimmy T. Choate. 911 West from 2431 W.

Monroe, Dennis, Norman 525 S. New, from 1327 W. Mt. Vernon. Forrest C.

Fay, Jr. 2234-S. Clay, from 1924. S. Dollison.

Eugene Ford, 2065 N. Lexington, from 2521 W. State. Joe Johnson. 1128 E.

Central, from 818 N. Raymond Fremont. H. Little, 1342 Ethyl, from 1353 Brown. Fred McCroskey, N.

Grant St. from 2355 N. Newton, W. L. McCullah, 1257.

E. Bennett, from 1612 S. Fremont. Lottie McDaniel, 419 E. Pacific from 210 E.

Pacific. Henry Manuel, 1712 W. Lombard, from 2235 Lewis. John F. O'Reilly, 1224 E.

Sunshine, from 832. Nichols. W. Sterling Price, 451 W. Crestview, from 1049 W.

Portland. Win. A. Ryan. 509 Crestview, from 1531 S.

Pickwick. Schrader, Waverly, from 1425 E. Division. Springfield Plywoods, 1825 N. Newton, from 1827 N.

Newton. POLICE CALLS At 4:30 p.m. Monday, Officer Charles stopped on North Broadway a truck hauling rubbish from ruins of Thomas Paper Company warehouse fire and ordered the load covered with a tarpaulin. S. Wormer, 1235 East Elm, reported at 5:45 p.m.

Monday he discovered' front tires on his car had been cut. Two roomers reported causing disturbance at Pertiand Rooms, West Pershins, Monday night, agreed to quiet down. Officer didn't find two teen-age boys reported trying doors of cars parked on Pacific, between Robberson and Boonville, Monday night. were told Monday night a man staggered to car parked in 300 block North Main, backed into a utilities pole, knocking off a large metal cover which he put into his car before driving away. Officers Durant and Cowens found front door open, Salon.

616 nothing Kimbrough, amiss, at 1 Mar-Dean TuesBeauty a.m. day. Officers Cowens and Durant closed rest room window at New Ideal Equipment 1706. West Grand. 4:30 a.m.

Tuesday. A 1951 Chevrolet owned by David Thorn. 700 East Walnut, was towed lo garage after it rolled from parking place on Public, Square and stopped partly on sidewalk in front of Barth's Store. 4:50 p.m. Tuesday.

It was claimed by Thorn later. Max Mayerson, 'St. Louis. reported at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday the windshield of his car was broken while vehicle was parked, night.

near Kentwood Arms Hotel Monday Mrs. C. A. Wooldridge, 1235 East Elm, reported at noon that four tires had been punctured on car parked in garage. Mrs.

C. D. Prewitt, operator of apartment house at 533 East Elm, reported at 9:45 a.m. Tuesday someone took $50 from folder in bedroom, but left $19 $30 check, between Sunday morning and Tuesday. Pair Charged In Burglary 2 Springfield Men Held at Marshfield -MARSHFIELD (Special) Two Springfieldians, Robert Eugene James, 26, of 929 North Rogers.

and Roy Howard Robinson, 22, of 767 South Avenue, are in the Webster County jail today facing burglary charges in connection with 'a thwarted breakin of the Garbage Can Cafe, five miles east of here early Sunday morning. The two men were arraigned in magistrate court on the charge yesterday and committed to jail in default of $5000 bond each. Preliminary, hearings are scheduled for April 11. The cafe owner awoke about 12:20 a.m. Sunday and fired four shots with deer rifle at a car fleeing from the cafe next to his house.

Sheriff Floyd (Tiny) Owen and Deputy Don Bruce said a car, which has been traced to James, was found in the west edge of Marshfield not long after the attempted breakin with a bullet hole in the radiator. They say the two men claim the car was stolen from a Springfield parking lot Saturday night. However, the authorities say they have witnesses which place the two men in Marshfield, within 50 feet of where the car stalled, not long after the burglary attempt. James is awaiting trial in eircuit court in on burglary charges involving the breakin of a service station near Republic and was'free on $2500 bond. However, the bond has been withdrawn and a hold order has been placed on James from Greene County.

CIVIL CASES Orda P. Pippin vs Bernice Pippin; de fendant awarded $100 per mont temporary support and $100 temporary attorney fees. William E. Mills doing business as American Plumbing and Heating Company, vs. John J.

Van Stavern, el al, suit to enforce mechanic's lien, $94.53. filed. Francis et T. al, title Vs. Nathan Phillips, quiet suit, filed.

M. J. Slicer ve. O. dismissed by plaintiff as to defendant Deeds, default judgment against defendant Mefor Ann F.

Carpenter, et al, J. Crutcher, et al, court's memorandum ruling on motions to dismiss and motions to make more definite and certain filed. DefendaM Catron granted 20 days to amend pleadings. L. State ex rel M.

E. Morris vs. Clarence Casey, default Judgment plaintiff for $1068 principal, $106.80 penalty and $192.50 interest. CIRCUIT COURT TRAFFIC COURT Earl W. Robertson, Route 9, paid $18.50 for failure to yield right on left turn.

Jueen City Casket '1010 North Clay, paid $1 for overtime and $1 for improper parking and $1 for leaving keys in parked car. Sifferman's, 521 Boonville, paid $1 for overtime parking and $1 for leaving key in parked. car. James Emerson, 2706 East after (trial by court, paid $18.50 for improper turn (accident), Fellini 1600 Boonville, paid $3 on three counts of overtime parking and $1 for improper parking. K.

P. Crane, 1652 East Belmont: Herman Manes, Roue Bertha E. Wilson, 1673 East and Helen V. Hedrick. 1401 Mt.

Vernon, paid $5 each for passing stop sign. Ernest Marsh. Pondfork: Jack 0. Zimmer, 628 East Kearney, and Laura Turner, '823 South Grant, paid $18.50 each for failure to yield right-of-way. Walter Fowler, 1036 Walnut.

and Clifford Cheek, 1864 East High, paid $4 on four counts -of overtime parking. Annabelle Cantrell. 1739 North Kentwood, paid $3 on. three counts of overtime. parking.

Following paid $1 each for improper turn; Roy E. Young. 801 North Netter H. ton: Mary McKenna, 836 Hovey; Carl McCrary, 1432 South Alfred Lee Garrett, 519 Seminole, and William H. Mayabb, 2019 East Ave.

John R. Chrisman, 1221 Crutcher: Dugan Drive Yourself, 235 North Kimbrough, and G. W. Bush, 2253 North Franklin, paid $1 each for overtime and $1 each for improper parking. Following paid $1 for improper parking: Davis Market, 654 South Campbell: Ray Askins, Route E.

L. East, 2035 Marsa Drive; Harry Cukerbaum, Brighton; H. C. Foster, Route 10; Walter. Jackson, 1000 East Pacific; Harold Wresche, 1312 West Tampa; Hobart L.

ter, Missouri Hotel; Cecil F. Linebaugh, 817 West Chestnut: Charles Hurley, Route 4: Hackett. Route 0, T. Foster, Rogersville; Max Cotter, 519 East Walnut; Francis Newton, 914 West Walnut: Cecil Snow. Route 101 Everett Franklin.

1206 North National, and Don Chastain, 2009 North Main. Following paid $2 each on two counts of overtime parking: J. E. Herbig, Cinderella: James R. Sweet, Route B.

B. Jackson, 1960 South Fremont. Following paid $1 each for overtime parking: P. W. Gullic, Alton: Mrs.

W. E. Johnson. 1462 South Virginia: C. Gottas, 1900 South Maryland; H.

0, Clopton, Route 10; Ethel Young. Route J. W. Thompson, 1463 South Kentwood: Horace Faught, Route Katherine Arnold, For. syth; J.

B. Brazeal, 1026 South Weller: Ralph Dillard, 1101 Latoka: Denver Rhodes. Route W. G. Davis.

2316 North Taylor: Mrs. Nadine. Lumley, Fair Grove; Bill Eshelman, 2554 North Main; D. L. Yancey, 1133 South Weller; James F.

Davis, 1655 East Grand; J. J. Randall, Monett; Anna O'Brien, 1160 Kimbrough: William Cantrell, 2228 South Clay; H. S. Fanning, 910 University; Raymond Calhoun.

Route 8: Dallas Garrison, 752 South Forrest; Maude Robertson, Ava: Mrs. Bill Pauly, 750 South Campbell: Coleen Looney, 1510 North Grant; Tom Courtney, Route Brightwell's Rest Haven Court, Route 10; Dorothy Burnett, 1901 Virginia: Veda Cates. Travis: Donald Tuhey, 429 West Locust: Claude Crider, Jr. 1839-South Jefferson: M. E.

Freeman, 956 South D. C. Browning, 2166 Summit; Standard Life and Accident Insurance. Oklahoma City: A. H.

Wilks, Medical Arts Mrs. Menall 1407 Seminole: Norman Copeland. 1752 North Jefferson: Dwight Claspill. Route 11; Sally Price, 1215 North Robberson; Paul Findley, Mansfield; L. M.

Starkey, Grace. Methodist Church; Harold DeMille, 1876 North Douglas: Ted Fearing, Woodruff A. J. Tucker, 922 South Weaver: Dale Broom, 1028 East Blaine: Charles E. Bushnell, 937 East Lombard: Geraldine Arnn, St.

Louis: Leonard Dodds, Route 12: Arley Burney, 1214 North Davies: A. R. Day. 2838 North Campbell: R. C.

Moore, Router James Dodson. Eudora: Paul E. Wit son. 1467 East Brower; Robert N. Seville Hotel; Derothy Rittershouse.

2541 Luster: R. M. Head. 1900 West Lincoln; Floyd Evans. Verona: Surby Auto Sales.

1021 Boonville: Wayne Route 8: Arthur Adams. 1729 North Weller: Mrs. Glen Hartley, Route Mrs. W. E.

Penn. 08 South Scenic; Mrs. Patricia Simms, 1530 Summit: H. 0. Jefferies, 1459 East Florida; Mrs.

Paul Abbott, 1445 Benton: Clell Nash, 1113 North Broadway; A. L. Armstrong, 902 West Kearney: Esther Hunsburger, 2634 State: Duane Hunsburg. er, 2634 State; Robert L. Burkhart, 1317 Pennsylvania; C.

E. Rich, East 1537 North Grant: N. E. Leezy, 1501 Sunshine; SFG Clyde Benn. Fort Wood; James E.

Day, 1675 East Lombard. Articles Recovered Articles Recovered J. H. Kyle, Medical Arts Building, turn. ed over to police a billiold containing $10 found at St.

Louis and Jefferson Tuesday. MAGISTRATE COURT CRIMINAL CASES Paul Michael Gottchalk, 32. of 2315 Kirk. wood Drive, and Merle M. Bradley, 28, of 811 North Fremont, paid $17 each for having expired John Henry Franck, 44, of 1640 Pythian, paid $25 and costs, and Paul H.

Adams. 23, -of 3305 West Page, paid $10 and costs for reckless driving. David William Bruton. 32. of 1833 South Maryland, paid $13 for having improper registration.

Paying fines and costs of $37. eac not having PSC permits were Maxwell Allen Carpenter, 27, Tyler, and Robert M. Pollack, 38, Norwalk, Calif. Paying fines and costs of $37 each for weight trucks were Charles Martin Vacker, 36, field. Ft.

$32; Worth, Charles William Lester, 48. Mt. $107; Ruel Day, 49, Vernon, $33; Wayne Chapman, 43, Irving, $100: $112; Edward Raymond Joseph James Sutter, Fone, 39, Louis, Louis, $258: Marvin R. Lowery, 38, Larned, $439; and Clarence, Otis Gott, 42, Route 9: $78. Jess Alexander: Waddle, 53, Okmulgee, paid $17.50 an an overweight overlength truck.

truck. and $15 and costs for of 2207 North Rogers. Paul T. Yates. 25, paid $22 for an overweight truck.

Kenneth Marler, address listed 1300 block West Calhoun, pleaded not guilty to common assault charges: trial set. April 6, and he was released on $500 bond. POLICE COURT James H. Massey, East Commer: cial, fined $20.50 for drunkenness; committed. Louls Davenport fined $25.50 for drunkenness; committed.

Arthur Lee Upshaw, Ava, paid $10.50 for drunkenness after serving five days. Sevester Anderson, Kansas City, paid $19.50 for shoplifting. L. Marcum, 3047 West Olive, and M. S.

Phillips. 1333 South ordinance. Fairway, paid $1 each for violating dog Blaze Destroys Barn, Chars 40-Acre Field Before being brought under control by sheriff's deputies, trusties and volunteers, a brush and grass fire southeast of Springfield yesterday afternoon destroyed a barn and charred a 40-acre field. Fanned by the high winds, the blaze destroyed the barn containing a large quantity of feed on the farm of Burney Webb, near Turner's Station. The flames swept to the edge of County Treasurer Joe Gault's farm before being halted.

THREE MEMBERS of the Central High School Key Club will attend a three-day district meeting of Key Clubs at Fort Smith this weekend. The three. David Browning. Larry Crow and Jack Highwill be accompanied by the club sponsor, James Pollard. Browning will be a candidate for the post of district governor at the session.

BOSTONIAN SHOES Exclusively at MARX ON ST. LOUIS ST. LOSSES Morris Johnson, 1346 North Wabash, reported theft of bicycle from Pipkin Junfor High School Monday. BUILDING PERMITS Henry Cunningham, 2056 Boonville, 10x12 addition. $875.

Paul J. White. 1101 Seminole, remodel, $3000: Clyde Wikoff, 1220 East Delmar, reroof, $400 R. 1000 East Delmar, add porch, $100. Charles Whitehead, 1704 North Glenstone.

drive-in restaurant. $5000. D. I. Earls, 837 West Central, repair, $50.

Frank J. Glore, 2338 North Campbeil. finish upstairs, $225. Raymond White, 1350 Cherry, remodel. $300.

Claude Hartley, 636 North riding and remodel. $476.04. Jesse Marsh 2911 West Calhoun, foundation and repair, $150, Roy Latimer, 736 North Warren, fourroom house at 1635 West Lynn, $4000. Mr. and Mrs.

Hobart L. Edwards, 903 Robberson, four-room house at 2442 South Holland, $5500. Hiland Dairy, 1119 East Kearney, move two buildings from 1516 East Talmage to 1121 East Kearney. Paul Stokes, 1890 North Main, reroof 2101 North Main. $200.

Jewel Newman, Lampe, move buildings from 711 Jean to 1318 West Hovey and 2316 North Summit to 2512 North Summit. C. M. Tracy, 520 East Lynn, 6x16 addition, $400. D.

Inman. $17 East Locust, remodel and repair, $200. Harry L. Bancroft, 631 South Pickwick, extend garage, $150. A.

L. Gardner, Highlandville, five-room house at 515 West Normal, 89500. Pansy Sheedy, 1034 North Jefferson. reroof. $75.

Mrs. J. 0. Fairbanks, 1006 East Central, repair garage, $150. Alden Jones, 1031 North Rogers.

18x30 addition and repair, $2000. Robert Cochran, 1009 West Elm, remodel and siding, $1000. Irene's Cafe, 701 West Walnut, sign, $500. Hunter Package Store. 1252 Louis.

sign. $500. Corky's Tavern, 700 North National, sign, $500, Top Value 315 East McDaniel, sign, $500. Mary Berry, 323 South National, reroof; $150. Harold D.

Smith, 1708 Cherry, remodel, $1300. M. V. Vanianingham, 1017 Davies, rage foundation and repair, $100. Henry W.

Trantham, 2156 Kimbrough, seven-room house at 2139 South Holland, $12.000. Floyd Adams, 1905 West Kearney, model at 1909 West Kearney, $350. Ralph Sullivan, 743 East Walnut, reroof, $700; reroof at 1626 West Division, $230. A. H.

Dickenson, 1005 South Stewart. repair roof, $80. Bert Link, 2017 West Elm, reroof and siding. $750. J.

L. Maynard, 720 South Robberson, six-room house at 2326 West Olive, $8500. Jess' Marsh, 2911 West Calhoun, move building from 1465 North Jefferson to 2911 West Calhoun. Clyde Leming, 2201 College, greenhouse, $500. J.

F. Bradley, 3110 West Chestnut, foundation and repair, $500. Phillip M. Green, 1616 East Olive, 12x13 addition. $500, W.

G. Ruckle, 2600 Lincoln, four-room house at 2638 West Lombard, $3500. Allen Adams, Ava, ceiling at 225 North Main. $300. William E.

Dean. 1834 East Monroe, five-room at 653 Forrester, $6000. W. L. Butcher.

2002. North. Park, founda. tion and repair, $50. L.

S. White, 2010 North Park, carport. $750. George Forbes, 2151 North Robberson, siding, $900. C.

W. Watkins. 515. East Bennett, rage, $700. AUTO ACCIDENTS Officer Bill Hall reported he honked at car to stop after seeing it turn west at McDaniel and South at fast speed, p.m.

Tuesday. The car driven by James E. Black, 17, of 1500 West Atlantic, pulled over to stop and struck parked car owned by Clarence Davis. Route 1. Clever.

Car driven by C. L. Moore, 671 Kinbrough, was struck on rear by truck driven by C. P. Kellogg, Route 5.

at Benton and Olive, 12:10 p.m. Tuesday. driven by F. W. Hudgins, 215 East Seminole.

and Mrs. Nadean Dodson, Route 8. collided in 2700 block West Sunshine, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday. Truck driven by W.

R. Price, 1010 North Main, and car driven by Mrs. Peggy Smith. Route 1, Nixa, collided in 800 block North Robberson, 7:50 a.m. Tuesday.

LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE ON CAR Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, April 7. 1956, between the hours of 10:00 a.m, and 4:00 p.m., the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the Terrill Phelps Chevrolet St. Louis Springfield, Mo. the following described car, to-wit: 1951 Dodge Club Coupe, Motor No. D4275981 and Serial No.


Code of 1955, 473.033, RSMo.) of Missouri, -County of Greene. In the Probate Court of Greene County, Missouri. In the estate of Eleanor A. Holliday, Deceased. Estate No.

18.346. To all persons interested in the estate of Eleanor A. Holliday, Decedent: On the day of March, 1956 the last will of Eleanor A. Holliday was admitted to probate and John K. Holston was appointed the executor of the estate of Eleanor Holliday decedent, by the probate court of Greene County, Missouri, on the day of March, 1956.

The business dress of executor is Landers Building whose, attorney telephone number is 4-0308, and is John K. Hulston of Springfield, Missouri. whose business address is Landers Building, end whose telephone number is 4-0308. All creditors of said are notified to file claims in court within nine months from the. date of this nocice or be forever barred.

Date of first publication is March 27, 1956. R. M. COWDEN Probate Court of Greene County, Missouri LODGE NOTICES Vincil Chapter No. 110 Royal Arch Masons stated convocation Thursday, April 5, at 7:30 P.M.

are welcome. Deino J. Spellman, H.P, Dorsey Reynolds, Secretary' Independent Order of Odd Fellows will meet Thursday evening at 7:30 in Odd Fellows Hall on Commercial, All Odd Fellows invited. M. J.

Belveal, Secretary BEAUTY CULTURE ENROLL NOW In Riviera Beauty College, 217 N. Jefferson, Lebanon. Mo. To learn life time profession in 6 months time. George D.

Baird. Manager and instructor. BEAUTY school enrollments open. Train DOW for an interesting, profitable profession. Blue Bonnet Beauty College, Publie Square, Phone 6-4304 LOST WILL PARTY who picked up Toy Pekincall 4-8733.

Her spine is seriously ingese dog on Route 3, Monday, please Jured. Only we knew how to treat it. No questions asked and reward when returned. PARTIES ARE KNOWN who picked up black parse at the Fair Grounds, at the Angus Sale April please contact or call Gladys Fite. 4-6044.

Reward. LOST 1-4-56. pair of Japanese binoculars 8x30's. Contact Everett F. Milner.

901 South Fremont. Phone 5-2570. FEMALE POINTER Birddog. White with brown spots. 4 ft.

white Insulated wire attached to collar. 6-7868. CAR KEYS in brown leather case. Call 2-3259 for reward. KEYS ON RING.

one large brass key, Reward. Phone 2-5801, 505 State. 6A- FOUND PALE TAN part beagle female puppy. Black collar. Ph.

6-0863. PERSONAL PERSONAL INTRODUCTION? You May Meet Your 'Ideal' DEE, 2-9856 KATIE, MEET me at Central High School auditorium at 8 o'clock on April to hear the barbershop quartet singing show ALTERATIONS. Mrs. H. S.

Jared. 1226 S. National. 2-4150. Formerly 11 years with Betty Gay.

DRIVING TO Con Angelen, passesgore. References. Leaving Sunday, Phone 6-1792. VA- PERSONAL SERVICE INCOME TAX SERVICE FEDERAL and. STATE 15 Sears exper lence as -Deputy Collector of Internal Nev.

enue and private practice. Accurate, reasonable, to 5 daily, evenings by appointment. Trotter, 1734 N. Jefferson. Phone 4-4730.

INCOME TAX SERVICE End your bookkeeping and tax worries. Oldest and largest tax service in America. Cost less than $3.00 per month. Call Mr. Weimer, phone 4-9604 ACCURATE TAX SERVICE We specialize in salaried, farm, small business returns.

Evenings by PARK YOUR PROBLEMS. 401 Holland Building, formerly room 212, Phone 4-7270, Residence 2-2231 AMBULANCE 2-1986 SEIFERD'S ONE DAY SERVICE Now offering one day dry cleaning sere vice, in by 9:00 out by 5:00. Dial 4-2541 by 9:00 for one day pick-up and delivery. KING DRY CLEANERS 926 St. Louis St.

INCOME TAX returns, farmers. small business, individuals. p.m. to p.mo, Collier's Tax and Bookkeeping Service. 801 McCann, 1 block East SMS.

Phone 2-8685. SMART GIRLS give their boy friends their LYTLE portrait. How about you? Dial 6-1575 for your appointment. LYTLE STUDIOS. 217 S.

Jefferson. SLIGHTLY USED capes and stoles. $12.00 up. Repairing, remodeling, restyling. College Fur Shop, 309 College Street.

INCOME TAX Service. Rolland Comatock, Comstock Book Shop. 1702. Robberson. 5-4585 or 6-5330.

REWEAVING of damaged clothing. Work guaranteed. 3 day service. 4-5300: 1436 Boonville. LOSE THOSE extra inches and rounds the easy Staffer Way.


Central. 4.4812. NUMBER 5 Westinghouse flashbulbs are only 70 each at Meilers Camera Shop. 1327 S. Glenstone.

WALTER BANKS-Income tax service for wage earners and salaried people only. 623 S. Robberson. AUTOS TRUCKS (USED) SEE THESE SPRING SPECIALS at Chevrolet! Be sure to. get our Deal before you Buy! 56 PLYMOUTH 2 DR.

$1895. Savoy, 6, Radio, Heater, Two-tone Green Ivory, Low mileage, like new 55 CHEVROLET 2 DR. 1695. 210,6, radio, heater, seatcovers, Light Green finish, extra clean. 54 CHEVROLET 4 DR.

1395. Bel Air, Radio, heater, WSW tires, two-tone Green Yellow 53 PLYMOUTH CL. CPE 895. Cranbrook, Radio, Heater, Seatcovers, Two-tone green. 52 CHEVROLET 2 DR.

595, Styleline Special, Radio, heater, seatcovers, Dark metalic Green paint. 51 FORD DELUXE 4 DR. 595. Radio, heater, seatcovers, a sharp one. 50 OLDSMOBILE 4 DR.

395. 76, Radio, heater, seatcovers, light green. 49 PLYMOUTH 2 DR. 295. Concord, Radio, Heater, Seatcovers, Runs Good Many other Makes, Models Body Styles to choose from.

Low-Cost GMAC Terms Available. TERRILLPHELPS Chevrolet Co. 1300 St. Louis Dial 2-1771 NO DOWN PAYMENT Necessary on these if your credit is good. 1951 FORD CONVERTIBLE, OD, WW tires $695.

1950 CHEVROLET STYLELINE, 4 absolutely lik enew. Must see to appreciate 595.: 1950 CHEVROLET TUDOR, power glide, perfect 495. 1950 BUICK SPECIAL 2 DR. straight transmission 495. 1950 FORD CUSTOM 2 DR.

overdrive, WW tires. fender skirts. Ready to go 495. 1950 BUICK SPECIAL TUDOR, straight transmission, extra nice 495. 1949-FORD STATION WAGON, heater, extra good 295.

1949 CUSTOM 4 1949 FORD V8 TUDOR, nice 395, ready to go 345. 1949 CHEVROLET STYLELINE Deluxe, 395, 1948 FORD CLUB COUPE, new paint job, extra extra nice 295. 1947 FORD 2 DR. 145. 1947 PLYMOUTH CLUB Coupe, must see this one.245.

1946 FORD CLUB COUPE, WW tires, fender skirts, twin pipes, ready to go 195, OPEN EVENINGS SUNDAY LEE GLIDEWELL SON 1220 Boonville, Ph. 6-0230 BUICK, 4 door. Chevrolet. 1514 Sell Mercury, trade. door, First clean, west good of shape.

or North Scene house Grant on Drive. EXTRA CLEAN low mileage one owner 1954 Ford Sedan. 4.6769, CREDIT down payment, GOOD? 448 Bu E. from Weavers 1951 BUICK SPECIAL, Deluxe tudor. Dynaflow, fires, Clean.

16 PLYMOUTH, RUNS good. Must soil: 44S..

Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.