Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

HELP AND SITfAT ION 5 CIRCULARS PROHIBITED. In order to protect its advertisers from receiving circular matter, it is expressly understood and agreed that all such matter will be withheld as far a possible by The Star. Only bona fide answers to advertisem*nts addressed to box numbers in care of The Star will be delivered to advertisers on presentation of the box number ticket. AGENT to MU article every automobile owner looking for. good commission.

Address Box 201-V. Star office. COLLECTOR, experienced, who desires additional or spare-time work: prefer Govt, employe with collecting experience; position SS to weekly. Give all Information first letter A. McManis.

919 Equitable EX-SERVICE MEN to aell specially: can make 110 a day if hustler. 1835 California Apt. 13. INSURANCE offer to motorists; money every day, steady, reliable and remunerative. Apply Jrd-floor front, 918 at.

n.w. MAINTENANCE MAN for children a Institution, thoroughly experienced carpenter e.nd general repair. Single, under 45. good character. salary 3110 per month, room, board and laundry.

Address Box 184-V. Star office. MAN- Well known company marketing a nationally advertised brand of )00'. Penn Oil desires the services of an experienced man with oil contact In Washington and vicinity. Address Box 126-V.

Star office. MAN to take over automobile radiator business on percentape basis. No capital necessary. Oive past experience r.nd references by letter. Address Box 24-V.

Star office. MEN wanted to assist in high-class campaign. Room IS. 1410 at. n.w.

PATENT SPECIFICATION WRITER and amender of experience; state age. experience and salary expected. Address Box 190-V, Star office. PLUMBER wanted. Call Hyattsville 197-R a o'clock any evening.

SALESMAN AND COLLECTOR, experienced, for credit clothing store, with car. Apply between and 2. 809 7th Bt. n.w, SALESMAN, experienced selling grocery dealers, by old established, high-grade concern. Permanent; confidential.

Oood position for right man. Oive full particulars, experience and age. Address Box 34-11, Star office special deal for hve wires; money every day; can be worked in Md vs. and the District; specialty men find this the best proposition available. Apply Room 20 National Union Bldg.

TAXI DRIVER, colored man; must bring 5 relerence. J. ave. n.w. TRUCK DRIVER, not under 26 of age white.

Must be able to secure bond. Heavy lifting: salary to start, per week. Address Box 178-J. Star office. YOUNG MAN with experience in rebuilding batteries.

815 per week. Atlas Battery Co- 2204 14th gt. n.w. MEN. $1,200.00 A MONTH IN THIS ZONE.

This Is the pay check one of our men received, and as a result, promotion. I need an Industrious, ambitious, hard-working man of good reputation, between 25 and 50 of age. to replace him In Washington. Territories opening in Virginia and Maryland offer the same opportunity. Previous selling experience helpful but not necessary.

A ear Is necessary. Inquire Room 209 Hill Buildjng. 17th and Eye sts. n.w See Mr. Spooner.

Between 30 and 40 Years. If you are looking for an opportunity which will broaden your financial and menial horizon, we want to Interview you. We offer you no magic lamp, but we do extend to you the vision o' a future that is bounded only by your own possibilities. The kind of men we are seeking are those who can run without being wound every hours. The opportunity we possess for you cannot transform a failure into a succega.

but it CAN lead a success into more fertile fields. Mere job-hunters end If wbrk where others shirk. If you ore married and possess a sense of oersonal responsibility If you can speak intelligently and write your Address Box 114-R. Star office. INSTRUCTION COURSES feftlDGE." COTffSACT OR tifled teacher, official system; day and evenlng instruction: reasonable.

Adams ART. INTERIOR DECORATION. COSTUME design, advertising: children's Saturday class. LIVtNOTONE ACADEMY. 1333 F.

Me. 2863. PLAY JAZZ IN 20 LESSONS, piano, banio. guitar and instruction. US.

student orch. School. 711 11th at. n.w.. Dlat 1270.

AUTO LEBSONB FOR PERMITS; EASY parking: cars furnished. Call Foster (Old Reliable). Met. 844 St. Atrft) DRIVINO TAUGHT QUICKLY; SBfined instructors; your or our car call Hr.

roBEBKRRY. Deo. 1211. 1623 st. n.w.

PRIVATE sciences, languages. Cornell graduate; 31. Albert Jonas. 1406 Hopkins tt. n.w..

near 20th and P.l3* LESSONS IN FRENCH MARCELING BY successful me.rceler with 12 years of experience; only 31 a lesson, 8 lessons for IS. Call Adams 3546-M. Learn beauty culture at the ma- BELLE HONOUR SCHOOL. Washingtons original and foremost school test. 1918).

Day eve. classes. 818 14th 1325 N. H. ave.

n.w. AUTO DRIVING LESSONS. LICENSED white men; anywhere any hour Yours Or our car. Call any time. Adams EMPLOYMENT AGENCIEB.

COMPETENT HELP of all kinds furnished by employment agency of Women's Exchange, 3405 Conn, ave. Clev. 0671. RUPHERS EXCHANGE has A-l cooks, maids, houseworkers; by day, week. ref.

investigated. Decatur 3561. 1837 nth n.w. AND WOMEN. THE ADVERTISER is seeking a man or woman with thorough experience in laundry work, capable of taking charge of a new hand laundry which will ester to the finer class of trade; no capital reqaired; unusual opportunity to make a successful connection for the person who possesses the right qualifications: applications will be considered only from those who can furnish references as to ability and knowledge of the work required; all replies strictly confidential.

Address Box 175-J. Star office. VOICES, church choir, soprano, alto; 15 a month. Address Box 427-ft. Star office.

FAMOUS ARTISTS HELP YOU EARN $lO A DAY. Men and women wanted by largest, most successful, strongly financed company In field to earn big money showing nationally advertised, lowest priced line of Xmas Cards: 31.000 customer prizes close orders immediately. Liberal commissions daily In advance. BONUSES. DIVIDENDS.

profit box card assortments keep earnings piling up. We deliver and collect. Representatives wanted In outlying territories. 615 sample book FREE. The Process Corporation, 1126 Nat.

Press MEN AND WOMEN to sell guaranteed merchandise. 25 different lines to tell from. To sell In Washington. Virginia snd Maryland. Address Box 213-V, Star office.

1 GIRL to finger wave and manicure: good wages Particular Shop, 2413 Va 13th st. GIRLS (two), neat. Intelligent, to learn beauty culture: small salary. Suite 225 Natl. Press between and 11 a.m.

HAIRDRESSER Woman experienced In shampooing and finger waving to come to home once a week. Address Box 128-V, Star office LADY with good personality, preferably single. who Is employed In one of the Government departments is desired for S'ime special work. It will not require much time, no canvassing. Is not a scheme or stocks of any kind and will prove very profitable to you Writs your qualifications and where and vhrn you may be reached.

Address Box 182-V, Star office. SHIPPERS on rough work: experienced only need apply Premier Cleaners Dyers, Tear 833 st. n.e. WOMAN, white, strong. 25 to 45 years old.

to care for Invalid; nursing experience unnecessary; good home; stay nights; 545 per month. 139 N. C. ave. s.e.

Lin. 2288. WOMEN wanted to assist in high-class campaign. Room 16. 1410 St.

YOUNG WOMAN to read to Invalid, In Chevy Chare. 2 or 3 hours per day; state experience, if any. and salary. Address Box 180-J. Star office.

GENERAL HOUSEWORKER. colored, good cook and must be fast worker; do not phone. st. n.w GENERAL HOUSEWORKER. colored, good cook and must be fast worker; do not phone.

4913 7th st. n.w. OIRL for days work, with Ada ms 10027. Housekeeper, white, reliable, good with children; stay nights; references. Clarendon WOMAN, white, to care for 3-year child and small apartment for employed couple good home to right party; references.

433 Kenyon st. n.w. Persons advertising for are warned to exercise careful investigation of persons offering positions where cash deposits are required to secure employment. ACCOUNTANT and credit executive, young man; local experience and references. For Interview address Box 134-V, Star office, BAKER, experience; flr.e art cske baking, pastry decorating, ice cream: reliable, reference: married.

Address Box 199-V. Star office. CHAUFFEUR, gardener, houseman, experienced. also waiter: willing worker. Call after 8 p.m.

West 2135-J. City ref COLLEGE 20. desires work afternoons and experienced clerk, driver; willing worker; references. Call Lin. 8686 COOK AND HOUSEMAN, first class.

Filipino. 9394 rUrl experience. North TARZAN AT THE CORE. By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Locking his toes beneath the elbows cf the Qorobor as he had seen the Horibs do, Tarsan strode the hideous creature as he was carried swiftly in Its mad rush to overtake its fellows. The ape-man had acted on a sudden thought.

This seemed the only means whereby he might hope to overtake the Horib who was bearing away Tne Red Flower of Zoram. Still terrified and excited by the battle, the Qorobor darted in and out among the trees with incredible swiftness. MOON Under Doga. WILLARD uicTAti PUMPKIN, MR. PUMPKIKJ XM SO 1 fMO a ekcitbd- my come vbry comfortable MISSUS MULLINS HOME WITH A BLA.CK EVE WHERE AT I 1 ATOEOOAH.

fsA UAST AMO SAVOHE MRS. MULLINS, AWO 7 SHOW HER COT IT OVER HERE FROM WOK I'T VOu A VOOR BROTHER-, K-LAW- ZZti 1 'OB CO.Jie,e UB W.s (Continued. FILIPINOS (two), cook A-l, gchoolboy; butlor; can drive; private family; best 1739 n.w. JANITOR, white, middle aged; manage apt. house or care for private home during Wlnter.

Mr, Parker. Falls Church 225. MAN. colored, desires work in garage, night or day: drive any make car; or private familr. North 2611; call 6 to 10 p.m.

MAIf. colored, married, wishes position, eievator operator, aervtee man in apartment 1 house; well experienced. Best reference. Cleveland 3381-J. I MECHANICAL ENGINEER.

47. married, ex- perienoed in automotive field, desires posl- tlon of technical nature with reliable, pro- gresslve firm. Address Box 138-V, Star office. NATIONAL UNIVERBITY LAW SCHOOL graduate, member of District Bar. desires to associate with law firm.

Address Box 191-V, Stjar office. STENOGRAPHER, 12 Veers' expert- ence secretarial find clerical work: excellent correspondent; best reference; very reasonable. Atlantic 6333-J. TAILOR AND FITTER. 30 years' experience, desires a position in the alteration department of women's or men's clothing store.

Address Box 198-V, Star office. YOUNG MAN desires employment: 3 years' eOHege work. Call (Nat. 3788. after Atlantic 0368-J.

YOUNO MEN (2). spare-time work Night clerk, switchboard operating or what have you? References. 00l 0093-J. AND WOMEN COUPLE, colored, with be; city references, want work as chauffeur, butler, houseman; wife good cook, general worker. 460 n.w.

BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST, can take dictation, wants position immediately; 6 experlence. Address Box 135-V, Star office. DENTAL ASSISTANT. 6 experience; thoroughly capable: good references. Ad- dreag Box m-V, Star office EXiCUTtVE, secretary, bookkeeper, capable.

experienced, highest references. Address Box 181-V, Star office. I OIRL. colored, hith-school araauate. wants work as waitress, part-time work, plain office work, maid in hotel or answering telephone.

Potomac 8156, OIRL. Western High Bchool senior, capable, fond of children, wishes position in home In exehange for room and 0539-J. HIGH-SCHOOL GRADUATE, desires office position; can work reasonably to start, intelllgent and conscientious work. Col 3037. HOUSEKEEPER, white settled, in adult family; good plain cook; reference.

2 6th st. n.e., Lincoln 4777. LADY, graduate of Lewis Hotel Training School, desires position in hotel or firstclass restaurant; references Adams 6685 NURSE, hosptal training, institutional experience: any kind of case or care of children. Evenings. Adama 7049.

PRACTICAL NURSE, experienced, with hospital training; doctors references. Call Adams 7787, BTENCWRAPHER-TYPIST experienced, permanent or temporary; excellent moderate salary; also do worjl fct honit. Oa. 4,14 STENOGRAPHY and typing- by the hour. day or week; experienced.

Call Miss Nolan, T.inroln 0082. STENOGRAPHER. law Clerk. abstractor, wants job; law office preferred. Atlantic 1314; WOMAN, settled, would like place In a restaurant as all-around woman; 15 Tears experlen'-' Address Box 208-V.

Star office 9 YOUNO LADY, hlgh-school graduate, desires refined position, opportunity for advancement. 503 Seward sq. s.e. Phone Lin. 3248 DOMESTIC.

COOKING -Neat colored woman wishes parttime work: referencas. Also girl, as mother helper. 1706 You Apt. 3. COOKING and cleaning, first class, whole or part time; work private or public.

Phone Clarendon 1186. 7 OIRL. colored, wants housework, part-time or day's work, District 1157. OTRLTcoTored. wants job, part time, day's work 1410 9th st.

n.w, Dec. 6078. OIRL. colored, desires general housework. North 6506.

OIRL. colored, wishes a place to work, any kind. Phone Decatur 2173 i OIRL colored, neat, deelres part-time or all day work, also cafeteria experience; come home nights. Call Atlantic 4433. JANITOR WORK or housecleaning, by exne- I rienced man.

Call North 8819-W. 940 French st. n.w. I Intelligent colored girl wants posi- I Hon; rtfgrtno- Phone Potomac 50i3. I SWEDISH WOMAN wishes work as cook, general houseworker or child nurse, fine Address Box 159-V.

Star office. WOMAN, colored, wants general housework or part-time work, thoroughly experienced, citv references. Potomac HB-w. WOMAN. Colored, general housework Call Potomac 3897 WOMAN, colored, middle aged, wants general housework; go home or stay nights.

Phone Metropolitan 1078. WORK of any kind, by colored man, 26 years old. Call Potomac 8103-J. PERSONAL. The rate under heading of Personal is 3 cents per line additional to the regular line rate.

LOANS. UP to PAYABLE IN 12 to 24 monthly payments; home buyers only. Address Box 483-K. Star office. MOTHER CARE OIVEN TO SMALL CHlLdren in suburban home.

Phone Shepherd 2399-R AGED AND INVALIDS CARED FOR IN nurse's home, corner 14th and Oak. Warm, cheerful, newly furnished rooms, next to bath: tray service. 001. 8755-J. UPHOLBTERINO AND REPAIR INO DONE at your home or mine; consclyrtlous work, reasonable prices.

Col. 0228. SPLENDID OPENING FOR NURSE 12- room fl ted for private sanitarium for less t.ian cost of furnliure Owner leaving city. Address Box 384-K. Star oElce.

PRIVATE HOME FOR AGED. INVALIDB Individual attention by experienced nurse Colmar Manor. 110 Lenox ave. Hyattsvllle 898-M. GRADUATE NURSE WILL ACCOMMODATE patients and elderly people 'n her private home.

Warm, sunny reomf. Special Aleutian Rates. 160 4334. REDUCING 7 TREATMENTS. CABINET baths, needle showers, baking, elec, treat Results assured North 6208.

1913 st. ROOM. WITH BOARD. FOR ELDERLY lady, private family (3 132 50, a real home. Col.

5840. i u. (.. 7. PERSONAL.

(Contlnned.) BOARD AND BEST OF CARk 6AOWN convalescents and invalids, old people; best reference. Clev. 3588. CERTIFIED LADIES' TAILOR AND FURrler with lonr experience in his profewton can meet your every requirement. Residence ar.d atelier.

1800 Wisconsin eve. Phone OROUPB IN RUSSIAN. GERMAN. FRENCH I are being formed, evening classes. De- I catur 2438.

CHILDREN BOARDED. KINDERGARTEN i training. best of care given. Hrsttsvllle 1502. R.

I. Hill Brentj wood. STATE TEACHERS' COLLEGE ORADUATE announces the opening of her private klni dergarten; Individual Instructions: hours I 0:30 to 5: luncheon served: price very reasonable: ages 3 to 7. Call Columbia 4888; Miss O'NEAL. EO-PEKP KINDERGARTEN OUTDOORS.

9-12: methods adaptable to Individual needs: modern equipment. 16th at. facing park. i Write O. Box 1122.

CONVaLESCENTB TAKEN: LARGE. COM- I fortahle home; 10 min. to city; southern front rooms: house heated: good maals: large i I grounds Address Box 494-IC. Star office. MANUSCRIPTS TYPED BY EXPERT; AC- curate and reliable.

Columbia 7826. MOTOR TRAVEL. oentleman wishes to drive to West Coast for transportation; ref. Address Box 123-V. Star office.

LADY WANTS TRANSPORTATION TO Tampa after Sunday: must be reasonable. I Address Box 140-V. Star office LEAVING FOR MIAMI. NOV. 12; Will take 1 to 4 passengers; 810 each.

Mr. Joe Polldor. Berwyn 37-P-12. THE CONGENIAL TRAVEL BUREAU. Associated with the A.

A. A. Club. Let a reliable agency select your guests for auto trips. 031 Penna.

ave. n.w. National 8756. WILL LEAVE FOR SAN ANTONIO. Novtmber can carry two pasaengers.

Judson George. 220 Kentucky ave. Lin 2045. DRIVING TO NEW Will take one pasaenger help drive, share 1 expense. Call National 2429 or North 1420 for appointment.

Must have v-eftrence. MECHANIC WANTS TO DRIVE Florida for i expenses: knows route; ready any time; ref. Decatur 2848; Al. OQ BY PRIVATE AUTO, share expense. references exchanged.

Bunran Auto Travel Bureau, 1221 Pennsylvania ave. Met. 6752. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ON ACCOUNT OF ILLNESS.

Will consider disposal of an established automobile agency handline two most popular standard cars. but small investment. Address Box 122-V. Star LOANS. SIOO up to 8500: payable In 12 to 24 monthly payments: home buyers only.

Adress Box 453-K. Star office. CORNER DELICATESSEN, including eoda fountain must sell, have other Interests. Garner. 18th and Kalorama rd.

SOUTHERN weekly newspapers university coast town; grossing 000 price, $12,500: down payment, Immediate sale necessary. Address Box 175-V Star office BAKERY SHOP, all equipped; will sell I cheap for quick Bale. 727 15th it. a.e., Anderson. COFFEE SHOP attractive: near Government buildings.

Sunday, by appointment. 2to 6. week days, Bto 6. Metropolitan 7989. fully equipped kitchen and dining room, in hotel situated on ave; centrally located; now doing a very good business; very reasonable monthly rental.

Address Box 177-V. Star office. 9 RESTAURANT, fully equipped kitchen and dining rocm. In uptown hotel apartments on 14th very reasonable monthly rental. Address Box 176-V, Star office, REST AUKANT.

fully equipped, for rent; busy ne. section; low rent. 615 n.e. SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE for sale: desirably located; income 83.000; no exchange, worth Investigating. Owner, Decatur 4748.

I WILL BUY Shoreham Hotel notes. Address Box 78-V. Star office. RARE AND EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR TOURIST HOME. The most available, attractive and valuable 17-room brick mansion, a.m.J., between Washington and Baltimore, at Hyattavilie.

Very large, spacious terraced grounds, magnificent trees. Commanding location on Rhode Island avenue boulevard, the leading thoroughfare of the National Capital. Large, handsome rooms; very large, spacioug veranda occupying one square of ground. Will rent only to first-class tenants, with references. SIOO a month.

OWNER, phone Hyattsvllle 1658. INVESTOR, LOOK. Owner will sacrifice a second trust note, maker employed In Government, secured on new house In northwest. Bee HIOBig, RICHARDSON A FRANKLIN, 818 18th it. n.W.

RECOMMENDED SERVICE. The following business concerns guarantee satisfaction to Star readers. Any complaint found necessary to be made to The Star will receive prompt attention. For admission to Recommended Service Column call National 5000, Branch 215. AMERICAN RADIATOR HEAT properly installed: monthly payments, see us before placing your contract.

A. F. qualified American Radiator contractor, Ain 4921. 1229 Pcnna ave. a.e.

Spec! liking In plumbing and heating only. BEDDING. MATTRESSES, box and reno test prices and prompt del Wash. Mattress Oo 318 st. s.w BEDDING cl all kinds rerovated and sterilised process approved by Health Dept-.

C. Prompt service and low prices Eagle Bedding 2215 sth st. n.e. Decatur 8755. BEDDING RENOVATED, sprints, ntaUreaaes.

ow do ri of BEDDING RENOVATED ANb iTEKIUZED AMERICAN BEDDING BRYANT STS HI 2232 I BOILERS FURNACES cleaned and repaired. I grate bars, asbestos covering. Crown Fuel Service. 917 nth st. n.w.

Dltt. 9322. I carpenter; builder, small Jobs; specialty general repairs, remodeling: all cans answered promptly. Phone North 4314 day or evening CARPENTER aud general repair wo7k want- C(l. Jcb Call Clcv 6087-J.

'i CARPENTER and builder, general 1 LXN ILK house repairing, remod. elirg, building and painting: price reason I able free estimate. All work Weber. 1 11th Lm 73 CARPENTERUIO. painting.

i roofing and cementing: ln no Job too small, Se Insley, Adams Soon the Qorobor had outstripped its feilows and left them far behind. Presently, Just ahead of him, Tarzan saw the Horib who was bearing Jana away. He eaw too, that be would overtake them. But ao swiftly was hig own mount running that it geemed quite likely he would be carried past Jana without being able to accomplish anything toward her rescue. He realized he must stop the Horlb's mount and there wag but an instant to make a decision.

RECOMMENDED SERVICE. (Continued.) CARPENTERING. JObblnt. waather atrlpplng. painting or by day.

Call Welt 1131, J. E. 0111188. CHAIR Armstrong, 1235 10th Met 2062 CHIMNEYS and furnaces cleaned, apecial. vacuum intern; roof repairing, paint- Ing and floor work.

Capitol Heights 82, ELECTRIC WIRi'NO AND FIXTURES- 81; roomi. hall, hath. 150. Over 600 satisfied I customers in Washington. Get estimate, the reason.

H. M. carpenter, North TTT T.Y'TP Ts WIRINO and fixtures, LLI.L i oom house. complete, i including Inside service; estimates free. Nat.

3914 City Elec. 410 Bond Bldg. ELECTRIC WIRING. Six-room house complete with fixtures, Expert workmanship. Time payments if desired.

Regal Electric 919 Upshur st. nw. Col. 8391. FLOORS SCRAPED and finished; modern machine work; price sanding machines i rented.

H. L. Caton. 239 13th S.e. 0985 FLOORS.

PAINTING. pert mechanics; reduced prices. Paul Serene, New York ave. National 3696. floor oid floors a specialty; private homea, ball rooms, dance floors.

gymnasiums, dining rooms, etc. Dustless mpehines; reasonable prices. L. C. Folk, nnrc of all descriptions sanded and reflnlshed; work guaranteed.

Earle Jordan. Lincoln 5765. FURNACES. Latrobea. Heating lants cleaned; and repaired by experts: work guaranteed spec, prices.

Star Heating Clev. 1971 -W. General House Repairing AT SPECIAL PRICES. Roofing, carpenter work, house wiring, painting. This Is not a company, but a private contractor.

Phone Atlantic 3738. 136 at. s.e. Paul Klaassen A Sons. HEATINO and plumbing, new and repairing: oil burners included; reasonable terms.

297 9th n.e. Lin. 0273. PAINTING, papering, floor tcrapmg and reflnishing. For free call any time, Adams 1344.

Keystone Dec. 3541 14th st. n.w PAINTING, PAPERHANGING. PLASTERING, special prices this month; best all work guaranteed. B.

D. Lopatin. Adams 8240. scraped dry, cracks filled, charming paper disinfection free, i Insist on better work. Guarantee Dec.

Adams 8925. 949 Newton pi. n.w. PAPERING AND PAINTING. Let us estimate your work.

Blue Ridge paperhanging done. average room. Including paper; work guaranteed. Call Columbia 3356. PAPERHANGING Good work, guaranteed In wrltlna; rooms scraped dry, cracks filled.

latest samples. Splgel. Col. 0043. Rooms papered, up: painting at lowest prices.

Let us estimate on your home and save money. NO CASH NECESSARY; small monthly payments. Call CITY SERVICE DECORATORS, Nat. 7796. PAPERHANGING, PAINTING.

Rooms papered, up: bath, kitchen painted. up; floors reflnlshed; Interior, exterlor painting. Jordan, Lin. 5765. PLASTERING, patch work done reasonable: new celling.

up; guaranteed, F. L. Smith. 705 13th st. se.

Lin. 4531. PLASTERINO, ceilings, patching, pointing. Phone Lin. 2772-J, 6 to 9 or send postal 521 st.

n.e; reaa. OOF I Outtering. spouting, palntivwwi lurnace cleaning, repairing; reasonable. Ajax Roofing No. 5314.

day, night. 2039 16th st. n.w. UPHOLSTERINO," repairing, lacquering; slip covers, cushions; guaranteed work. F.

J. Garland. 5632 Oa. ave. Gas 3646.

VVFT niNTf; Broken grates. stove parts, fenders, bumpers, etc. Acme Welding rear 1351 You n.w., Decatur 4055. CALL A RELIABLE CONCERN. A promise Is no better than the company that makes It Thousands of satisfactory jobs attest to the satisfaction we assure you.

Absolutely No Cash Required. Pay As Little As 00 Monthly. Painting, papering, plumbing, plastering. heating, electrical wiring, roofing, cementing, i carpentering, weather stripping, garages Estimates cheerfully given free. The GENERAL CONTRACTING CO.


6 and 9: gas radiator, coal tank heater, 66-gal. automatic water healer, i Quiet May oil burner. 375; elee. motor. A.

F. Sengstack Plumbing A lleat, lng. 1339 Pa. i.e. Atlantic BATH TUBS, brick ana building mtUeriaU Come to any of Hechlnger's 3 yards fur ymir entire needs of used material; eaulv i easily selected.

We have large quantities of food used brick, lumber (2x4. 2x6, 2x9. xl2. IN ANY LENGTH 1. xheatlilna, flooring, windows, doors, sash.

pipe, bath tubs, radiators. plumbing and heating materials. In excellent condition. All need malarial la arranged for convenient selection visit our 3 yards lor the graatast aelecituu at bargain 00.. HOUBEWRECKINCI DEPT Main and if fit.

HE. and Sts 8 Oa. Ave lea, lLpfate, i 15-plate. 95. exchange pi tea.

Atlas Battery 2204 14th st. ivw BOOKS Harvard Classics, Encyc Britannice, Book of Knowledge, fine condition, at greet savings. Pearlman'e. 933 ft. n.w.

BOOKCASE, chiffonier, dresser. Oriental run, stair carpet, mahogany whatnot, tapestry. library table, piano check Jordan Co. Oeorgla 1594. BUFFET.

18: kitchen cabinet table, IS; refrigerator, wardrobe. Morris chair. 3607 Brothers Concress CASH REGISTERS, reoullt. guaranteed; subi stantlal reductions from list price. Easy terms: no Interest.

The National Cash Reglster Co 1206 st. n.w. Phone Nat. CASH REGISTERS, snow caaea. wall caaaa.

counters shelving, chairs, tables, scales, iron safes, coffee urns, steam tables, soda foun! tains, electric grinders, mixers, refrigerators. partitions, store equipment and fixtures of every description. Edgar Eaura. 914 I w. CHAIRS- 350 theater chairs: suitable for movie theater, church, lodge room.

hall, etc leather and backs: splendid condition: will sell all or part; to per chair. United States Storage 416 10th it. n.w. CLOTHINO. women's and dresses, uses 20 and 31; like new; reasonable.

435 4th st. n.e. bJS In that instant Tarzan raised his rifle and fired. Perhaps it was a fine bit of marksmanship or merely luck Anyway the bullet struck the Gorobor in the spine. A moment later its hind legs collapaed and it rolled over on its side, pitching Jana and the Horib to the ground.

Simultaneously the mount swept by and risking a bad fall. Tarzan vaulted from its back, tumbled head over heels and landed against the carcass of the Horlb's mount. (Can Unwed.) COAT, new. black cloth, handsome Persian lamb collar ana cuffs, size 36: price; owner going South. 3415 20th st.

n.w., Apt. 22. COAT, light brown, walrus collar and cuffs; size 40. SOI Woodalde 1900 st. n.w.

COAT, gray, fox fur, 11. 110: black and white coat. wolf, else 16. 5. 626 Allison st.

n.w. i COFFEE URNS, toasters, steam taoles. gas stoves grease sterilisers, counters, cash registers, refrigerators, refrigerator display cases, electric mixers, scales, safes, cash registers, tables, chairs, thelvmt. bake event, ate. Atlas Stora Fixture 414 ttb at.

n.w 9397. COLONIAL STAIRWAY and trim, antique: ever 100 years old. Dr. J. Stanley Orabili.

Mt. Airy. Md. DESKS Sale of "factory of office furniture, desks, tables, chairs, book cases, file cabinets, cabinet aafes and used office furniture You can also rent it. H.

Baum Son 616 ft. nw. 1 DESK ioffice). mahogany finiah; good i condition: 592.80. 425 10th st.

n.w. DESKS, surplus from U. Government; also tremendous savings In new factory close-outs and aeconds. cheapest prices on chairs, files, safes, etc. Commercial Office Furn 430 9th at.

n.w. Met. 7743. DINING ROOM TABLS and Chairs, good condition; Whtttall Anglo-Persian rug. I 9x12.

like new: Englander couch bed. with mattress, never used. Call between 1 and I 211 9th st, n.e. DINING ROOM SUITE, 10 pieces; playerplano. Adams 199.

FUR COAT, black Hudson seal, lox collar; size 42: good condition; 519 Mass. ave. n.w. FURNACE. Arco, hi good condition; equipped with Sturtevant blower and thermostat control; burns buckwheat coal; heats 6-room house.

Call Saturday or Sunday. 719 Decatur st. n.w. dining suite, quartered oak. blue leather-bottom chairs; barl gain.

3461 14th at. n.w. large easy chairs, patnttnss. floor lamps, miscellaneous articles; private home. Call only.

6 to 9:30, 6549. will sacrifice, moving to 5-piece green bed room suite, modern elec. ref. and modern enamel kttchen cabinet. 1519 Allison st.

n.w. Phone 6992. mahoaany rocking chairs, one upholstered: both good condition: priced reasonable. Call Columbia 7744. Apartment East.

takes light 3-pc. set and mahogany table; bed and cfaybed cheap. 1420 Harvard. Apt. 2.

Adams 4214-W. Walnut bed room suite. i china closet. bureau. beds complete, buffet, kitchen cabinet.

Other furniture. 1311 n.e. FURNITURE Two overstuffed chairs, one dining table, one side table and rocker. Call Adams 0640. room suite.

living room suite. coll spring day bed ana other odd pieces, 1360 st. n.e. GAS Radiant Humphrey heater; reasonable. Adams 7928.

GENERATOR SET. Bodlne, Eb 34. d. C. to excellent condition.

706 oth st. n.w. 1 GOLF STICKS. 140 putters: 15c each for lot. Also 20 reflectors, suitable for parking lot or any outdoor concession, equipped with 1.000-watt bulb; practically new; 3 50 each for all 418 10th n.w.

HARDWOOD for fireplace or stove, any length, 18: ornamental birch logs for flreplace. Phone West 2459. tree honey; dark In color, rich in flavor. The Ideal honey for pancakes and waffles: 5 10 (2; postage paid to second p. p.

sons: 25 cents less at apiary. Come Sunday only. Harold L. Kelly, Beechbank Apiaries, Forest Olen, Md. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE at 521 New Jersey ave.

n.w. Can be ceea Sunday and i to 4p m. Monday. HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT in small apartment, acy-bed, 3 Windsor chairs. 1 easy chair.

3 tables, long mirror, pictures, rug. curtains: all Apt. 404, Valley Vlata. HUDSON SEAL COAT, mink collar and cuffs, large size, splendid condition. S4O.

Apt. 203. the Valley Vlita. 3032 Belmont id. ICE BOX.

7x5x10 cooler and 12-ft. display case for meat market. A bargain. Phone, Col. 1149 or Col.

1645. INVALID ROLLINQ rent or sale; new and used: all styles, all sixes; reduced prices. UNITED STATES STORAOE 416 10th st. n.w Met. 1844.

JOB PRESS, almost new, with type, etc. No reasonable offer or terms refused. Address Box 155-V. Btar office. LIVINO 2 pieces, old; cost sacrifice.

cash. 4538 28th st. n.w. Phone Clev. 5178.

PIANOS at exceptional bargain prices. Used 6-octave midget. slightly used grand. one 6-octave grand. Ivea and Pond, upright, fine condition Helntzntaii upright, with Wessell.

Nlchol and Oross action. other like bargains. Sole agent for Hardman. Kranlch A Bach planoa. Uprights and grand pianos for ent Tuning, hauling and repairing.

Estimates furnished. Hugo worch. 1110 n.w. PIANO, Hardman mahogany upright, three pedals: fine condition: with cabinet and stool, 211 9th st. n.e.

PIANO, upright, plain mahogany, reliable instrument for practice. Only (35. 519 Mats. HEATER, hot-air; good condllon: low price. 814 Quintana pi.

Phone Oeorgla 3643, PORTABLE lob offices, one 10x30', one 10x12'. one 10x10'. Louduun-Rust 14th and Kalmla rd. n.w. of our good customers moved from a district Into an district and traded In his nearly new Atwater Kent radio, with nice cabinet: loss is your gain If you use direct current and hurry in; price.

terms or cash and fully guaranteed. O. DcMoll ft 12th at. at O. ar Pot.

6127. 1323 Franklin n.e. RADIO. 9-tube auperheterodvne. multlmu.

double pentode tubes, automatic volume tone control: brand-new, fully guaranteed: bring In Mexico. Cuba and Canada; beautiful cabinet No. 205. 1420 N. Y.

ave. RADIO. ear phones. 801 1900 st. n.w.

Is a radio bargain for some who appreciates a fine radio and Is not satisfied with the poor tone and selectivity of cheap sets. We have one Phlleo and one Zenith, both used as demonstrators: former price. now (79; terms or cash: fully guaranteed and free service; hurry it you want one of them. O. J.

DeMoll ft 13th st. at G. BF.WINO portable tries. dropheads. rents.

repairs. 655 Pa. ave. s.e., upstairs. Lin.

2801 SEWING 5 ect Whfis se 0 w. mum He leaped to hia feet to face the lizard-man. As he did so the ground gave way beneath him and he dropped suddenly into a hole. Try as he might he kept sinking until he was almost up to his armpits. And as he struggled futilely to extricate himself, something seised him by the ankles and dragged him downward.

Cold fingers clung relentless to him and Tarzan of the Apes felt himself slowly pulled into a dark, subterranean hole. SEWING Singer. 1 New Home. Standard. New Ideal.

others at all guar. New machines. mo. Renting and repairing. Open evenings.

3 E. Sew. Mch. Shop. 313 Pa.

ave. t.e. Lin. 0275. SHOWCASE, circular, marble base; lor sale cheap.

Bradley Market. 6906 Wls, ave. coal range. Improved New I Baltimore: one latrobe; good condition; 1 ch 1016 st. off machines that 1 havs been traded in and reconditioned very reasonable.

Underwoods, Royals. L. O. Smiths rented. per month.

Capitol Typewrlter 1409 Eye st, n.w. Nat 4858. machines, all makes. Several used portables. Easy terms.

Call us for rentals or repairs. Typawriter Sales ft Service 1714 at. n.w. 1431 East Captlol away from the high Selling. renting, repairing all makes.

Open evenings. Lin JOB 2. Typewriter Exchange selling out. retiring from business. Wonderful bargains.

13th st. n.w. TYPEWRITER Georgia 1883, Underwoods. Royals and L. C.

Smiths. mos, in 16.75: 6 WASHINO MACHINES, floor models. Apex, and new equipment; can be bought at practically factory prices. Also some used machines. 3610 Oa.

ave. n.w. WATCH, split-second Jurgensen; cost will sell for half prlce. 1525 Monroe st. n.w.

BTEINWAY UPRIGHT. We had three of them yesterday; Just one left now. It Is like new, the size, mahogany, and cuaranteed perfect. Now terms or cash. O.

T. DE MOLL ft Equipment. Must Be Sold at Once. Bne 10-ton caterpillar crane. ne 27-E.

paving mixer. Two tasollne hoisting engines. Three electric hoisting engines. 450 cubic ft. belted atr compressor.

12 chain falls. 2 to 5 tons. And Many Other Items. SAMLER MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 309 West Pratt Baltimore, Md. Telephone Plasa 0934.

THIS MEET YOUR PROBlem? Want to give your child the advantages of a musical education, but want to spend much money for a piano Just now? All right, we will sell you a used practice piano at SSO. or more on easy terms and allow you to exchange It later for a better piano without loss. Just like lending you a piano. O. J.


Phone Col. 3666. BOOKS Highest prices. kinds, any quantities. Phone Met.

6415. Big Book Shop. 933 n.w. Est. 1907.

CASH REGISTERS, show cases and store fixtures; entire contents bought Edgar BAUM. 914 at, n.w. Met. 9744. cash prices paid for used furniture of all kinds; prompt and courteous service.

Call Douglas. Met. 7373; evan 1 ngg after 7 p.m.. call Col. 4997.

prices paid for used furniture; prompt and courteous service. Call Paul any time. Lincoln 10045. 0618. silver, watches, diamonds and old Jewelry needed In our manufacturing dept.

Full cash value paid Sellnger s. 818 st. GRAND PIANOS wanted, for cash: will buy three; only Knabe. Steinway or Chickering. for school.

Give ace and price. Address i Box 99-J. Star office. HARP wanted; buy or rent. Call Lincoln 6588-J.

IF YOU ARE IN HURRY CALL D. NOTES. District 8112. Prompt attention and Dig money for desirable furniture and household efleets. Also merchandise of every degcrlp- I tlon.

25 years of fair dealing. PAPER CUTTER, small, hand-carved, handpowered, up to 16 inches, must be in good condition. Cali Mr. Heyne. Potomac Oo4ft.

pay cash for good grand piano, small size. Adams 5312. STORE II cn room equipment; entire contents purchased Atlas Stora fixture Co. 414 9th st. P.w.

Met. 9297, WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES for all kinds of household goods. Call North 10114 for prompt service. Phone National 1281. Household merchandise, stocks, automobiles, etc Thirty-nine aervlng the Washington public.

DOGS, ETC. FOX TERRIERS. Bostons. Eskimos and other pups, singing canaries, Mexican parrots, monkeys, gold and tropical fish, aquariums, alligators, turtles. carry a complete line of medicines and supplies.

Schmid Emporium of Pets. 712 13th st. n.w. Metropolltan 7112. SCOTTISH TERRIERS and wire-haired fox terriers.

8 weeks to 1 year, pedigreed, open Ito registration. Ruffcote Kennels, 727 Chesapeake Silver Spring, Md. Shepherd 2626, A REAL BHOW-TYPE FOX TERRIER, wire, female, 2 years old. If you want a bargain, here is your chance. With papers, Wisconsin 3104-J.

FOX TERRIER PUPS. lre excellent coats; nicely marked; Cleveland 0281. ENGLISH SETTER, male. 3 years old. F.

D. Burch. 19th and Pood Anacobtia FOR (2) large night male dogs. s'a years old: one American black and tan, other blue tick. If you know dogs, you will know what this means.

Fast, wide rangers, marsh and water workers; stick to track and at tree: open trailers: will tree coons and opossums. Price. pair. Call all day Saturday or Sunday, m. H.

Recker, 1109 Prince st- Alexandria. Va. 8 SETTER DOO. broken, guaranteed to stand, back stand and retrieve; Call Silver Spring 886 alter 4. POODLE PUPPIES, male and female.

Call Shepherd 2555. BOSTON TERRIERS, for sale, pedigreed. 8 weeks old. Phone Adams 6902. Your Hospital.

1432 at. n.w. Col. 0574. farmTand garden.

IF YOUR LAWN and ahruubery need attention. call waat 2459. Manura. compoat and top toll AUTOMOBILES. rfUICK 1921 MASTER roomy, yet chummy car with unmarred Body finish, excellent upholstery, new tires.

A smooth, economical motor, noted for performance and endurance; $495. Emerson Orme, 17th and sts, n.w, BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN, new paint: radio equipped; underpriced at Parkway. 3040 st. n.w. Open nights and Sundays.

BUICK 1929 CONVERTIBLE m6del seat, new sport top with spare tire cover to match. Excellent tires. Original tan finish and leather upholstery are both like new. $715; terms and trade. Warfield Motor Company.

1130 Conn. are. n.w. Open evenings and Sunday. BUICK BTANDARD 6 SPORT ROADBTER, 1028.

$375. This car is cheap at the price, the condition Is excellent; 30-day guarantee. H. B. Leary, 1321 14th.

North 6826. BUICK' LATE 1929 SPORT buy; guaranteed; terms and trade. Donohoe Chevrolet. 1620 at. n.w., Decatur 6300.

BUICK 1929 MASTER 6 COUPE with rumble seat. Inspect this handsome car that looks just like new, with comfort and ease in riding and driving. New tires all around end perfect In performance; $595. Emerson St Orme, 17th and sts. n.w.

1 CADILLAC TOWN CAR. model 341-B---. Mechanically perfect. Upholstery and tires exceptionally good. Must be r.een to be appreciated.

Will take your car in trade and arrange terms for balance. Can be seen st Packard Oarage, 17th at. at Kalorama rd. CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN. a beautiful maroon; clean as a new pin: cheapest car of this type in the city.

Easy terms offered. Nolan Motor 1111 18th st. n.w. Decatur 0316. CHEVROLET CABRIOLET.

Very good condition: seat covers; $285. Parkway. 3040 st. n.w. Open nights and Sundays, CHEVROLET COACH.

splendid mechanical condition, paint, tires and upholstery In fine shape; will sacrifice for $125. Will accept S4O cash and monthly at my CHEVROLET COACH. 1929 Mechanically 0.K.: finish and upholstery like new: good tires; terms: $326. Mr. Rouse, after 5 p.m., Potomac 3444, CHEVROLET COUPE.

$450. Call Clarendon 1027-J-l. CHEVROLET COUPE, 1928 Looks and runs fine: for balance due, $175. Fred L. Morgan, 1341 14th st.

n.w. CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN. rack and new tires: Parkway. 3040 n.w. Open nUhts and Sundays.

CHEVROLET SPECIAL DE LUXE Six wheels, side mountings: fully equipoed; slightly used and not even soiled; 1623 n.w. CHEVROLET 1930 wheels: appearance of a new automobile: any demonstration: guaranteed. Our Saturday special. $395. Mr.

Chelini, 1620 st. n.w., Decatur 6300. CHEVROLET COACH. perfect condition, like new car: forced to sacrifice; only $465; terms. Cleveland 4884.

CHEVROLET COACH. in. very good running condition: $125. Parkway. 3040 st.

n.w. Open nights and Sundays. CHEVROLET 1930 nE LUXE can hardly tell this is a used car. Come In and see this car today. Your car may make the down payment: E-Z terms.

Vassar Motor 10th and n.e. Atlantic 3300. CHEVROLET" 1928 green; new tOD. Duco: upholstery, motor and rubber In good condition. Price.

$175: reasonable terms. Telephone National 8199. CHEVROLET LANDAU-SEDAN. 1928, One of the best buys offered today. This car has just been refinished, the upholstery end motor ok.

30-day ruarantee. H. B. Leary, Jr 1321 14th. North 6826.

Open evenings. CHEVROLET SPORT ROADSTER. 1930: first-class: $245: first payment, $45: all monthly payments. Apply 127 Tennessee ave, n.e. CHEVROLET COUPE.

dandy car at a glve-Rway price; seat covers; Parkway. 3040 st. n.w. Open nights and Sundays. CHEVROLET COACH.

tires and motor very good. Only $285: terms. SB9 down, balance monthly. Pohanka Service. 1136 90th at.

n.w. North 0347. CHEVROLET 1930 SPORT ROADSTER," with rumble seat: color, black with orange-colored wire wheels- folding windshield. A bargain at terms and trade. Warfield Motor 1130 Conn.

ave. n.w. CHEVROLET 1924 sale or turn in use. Call between p.m., 508 Varnum st. CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE.

paint and rubber: A-l mechanical condition: upholstery clean: lots of good transportation for a small layout of cash: $159: easy terms. Triangle Motor 2 N. Y. ave n.w. CHEVROLET SEDAN, 1931: also Pontiac Sedan.

1231: must sell to settle estate. Address Box 72-V, Star office. CHEVROLET COACH. 1926 model: excellent condition, new tires, and a real bargain for $65. Open evenings and Sunday.

Loeffler Motor 215 Pa. ave. s.e. CHEVROLET 1931 COACH Only 3 weeks old: your chance to save; need money: can give terms. Mr.

Cross, Decatur 6300, or 1620 st, n.w. CHRYSLER 65 appearance: original paint In splendid condition; $435. Parkway. 3040 st. n.w.

Open nights and CHRYSLER 6 ROADSTER, 1930. Almost a new car, driven very little by a I ca reful driver. Looks like a new car. a ntee B- Leary, North 6826. CHRYSLER 65 COUPE.

seat; s49j This car priced for quick sale. Tires, paint, upholstery and mechanical condition excellent. Easy terms. 30-day guarantee. H.B.

Leary. Sc 1321 14th. North 6826 Oncn evenings. CHRYSLER 75 SEDAN. 1929.

Painted a beautiful black. In every detail It Is one of the best bargains offered today. See and compare this with others. 30-day guaran- Leary. St 1321 14th.

irth 6826. Open evenings. CHRYSLER 4-DOOR SEDAN, exceU lent condition throughout: 5 good tires, recently repainted. A real bargain for some one for $125. If you haven't all caah pay Mr? Herfurth? le Open' nights' nW CHRYSLER "82" BPORT Snappy green trimmed in orange and black: Spanish grain leather upholstery: Parkway, 3040 st.

n.w. Open nights and Suncla s. CHRYSLER SEDAN, 4-door model; condition appearance excellent. Priced at only S2OO. on easy terms.

Nolan Motor 1111 18tji st. n.w. Decatur 0216, CORD 1931 CABRIOLET, practically "brandnew; must sacrifice. Phone Alex. 1020 between 9 and 4 p.m.

0 And (Continued.) DODGE SEDAN, only run 900 miles: must sacrifice, small down payment, and assume my 18 payments. Can show car any time. Decatur 2705. bobOE FAST 4 blue bucol To UPl kfs 0 0 y. Open nlgnte and Sundays.

DODGE FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. value at SSB Parkway. 3040 st cw, Ot en nights and Sundays. DODGE COUPE, 1920 Motor in rood shaped good appearance, sell very cheap. Call Columbia 40M-J.

after 5 p.m. DODGE 1930 with rumble seat. An excellent little car, with handsome blue body, roomy Interior and a powerful motor. First-class throughout: tS4S. Emerson A Orme, 17th and sts.

n.w. DE SOTO H3O ROADBTER, straight 8: ej give this ctr any test; must sell. 75. 1733 st. n.w.

North 1898. ESSEX 2-DOOR SEDAN. own private car which I am forced to sol quickly because of unexpected trouble; Columlla 10204 after 6 p.m. ESSEX 4-DOOR of the smoothest little cars you have ever driven; excellent condition and appearance. Only ISO down, balance on easy terms.

Nolan Motor 1111 18th st. n.w. Pec, ESSEX COACH, first-class condition; original dark blue finish; good tires. Carries our 30-day written guarantee. A real bargain for today only, 3295.

Lambert, "The House of Confidence." 1501 14th. ESSEX SPORT COACH. excellent condition throughout; mileage about 6.000 3 spare trunk racks: 1495; terms. Ga. 1614.

ESSEX SPORT COUPE. 1929-Excellent "corTditlon throughout; no reasonable offer refuaed; low mileage; easy terms. Ga. ESSEX CHALLENGER COACH, late 1929 A-l condition: any demonstration; Sl9t; need cnsh. 1727 st.

Decatur 3989. ESSEX '27 enamel finish: balance due, Morgans, Oak- Snd-rontlac lot, 14th st. n.w. 3RD SPORT ROADSTER. wheels, two mounted In fender we'lr: brand-new paint end many extras: Parkway, st.

n.w._Open rightsand Sundays. FORD SPORT ROADSTER. 1928 seat; fully equipped; new rubber; excellent mechanical condition; guaranteed; special, easy terms. Triangle Motor a N. Y.

ave. n.w. FORD 1931 5-PASSENGER VICTORIA cord upholstery: body color dark maroon, black fenders and wheels. Just like buying a new car. terms and trade.

Warfield Motor Company, 1130 Conn. ave. n.w. Open evenings. Rno IW6 dark blue: i rumble seat; high-speed head; perfect finish: 3 (May guarantee: 1285; E-Z terms.

Vassar Motor 10th and n.e. Atlantic 3300. FORD SPORT ROADSTER, appearance; very low mileage; Parkway, 3040 st. n.w. Open nights and Btmoayg.

FORD SPORT ROADBTER, sell; make offer; low mileage. Met. 7665. Bth st. n.w.

FORD SPORT ROADBTER. paint and rubber; mechanical condition, top and upholstery good; a super special, Triangle Motor 2 N. Y. ave. n.w.

FORD TUDOR 1928 model; condition good; price. small down payment. 4 Apt. 402, U2l 24th st. n.w.

FORD MODEL FORDOR SEDAN; good running condition: Parkway. 2040 st. n.w. Open nights and Sundays. FORD 1931 SPORT finish: driven 3,000 miles; fender well, trunk rack and many other extras; reasonable for quick sale: terms.

Columbia 0800. Apt. 409. FORD 1931 be told from new; our Saturday special; terms and trade. See Mr.

Chelini. Donohoe Chevrolet, 1620 st Decatur 8300. FORD 1931 SPECIAL DE LUXE SPORT roadster; privately owned; chromium wheels; excellent; must sacrifice; bargain; Col. 1152. evenings.

FORD 1931 miles; carefully handled and the car looks like new. Price for today only E-Z terms; your car in trade. Vassar Motor 10th and sts. n.e. Atlantic 3300.

FORD SPORT COUPE, late 1988; equipped with rumble seat; our special price on this one is our used-car bargains cannot be duplicated Open evenings and Sunday. Loelfier Motor 215 Pa. ave. g.e. FORD 1928 AND 1929 SPORT Rumble seats; full equipment: good appearance and plenty of snap.

Priced from 1135 up; easy terms. Nolan Motor 1111 18th at. n.w. Decatur 0216. FORD 1928 AND 1929 TUDOR Paint and general condition excellent; good tlrtt.

Easy terms. Nolan Motor 1111 18th st. n.w. Decatur 0218. FORD 1928 AND 1929 have nice paint and are in very good mechanical condition; good tiree.

Nolan Motor 1111 18th st. n.w, Decatur 0218. FORD FORDOR BBDAN. 1931 model; Paint and general condition excellent throughout. Terms arranged.

Nolan Motor 1111 18th st. n.w. Decatur 0216. FORD 1930 TUDOR SEDAN Only driven 9.000 miles; paint and general condition equal to new. Priced low, on easy terms.

Nolan Motor 1111 18th st. n.w. Decatur 0218, FORD 1930 COUPE, with rumble seat; newly painted: condition excellent. Terms as easy as possible. Nolan Motor 1111 llth st.

n.w. Decatur 0216. FORD MODEL of 8. all In running condition; up. Donohoe Chevrolet, 1820 st.

n.w.. Decstur 6300. FORD DE LUXE PHAETON. late 1930 model! upholstered in brown leather; takes this desirable little car; easy terms. Open evenings and Sunday.

Loeffler Motor Ford dealers, 215 Pa. ave a.e. FORD ROADSTER. 1930: looks like a new car; dark blue finish; only easy terms. Open evenings and Sunday.

Loeffler Motor Ford dealers. 218 Pa. ave. s.e. FORD LATE 1930 SPORT Painted black, green wire wheels.

Lady leaving town; or best Cksl. Offer. CoL 7608. FORD SPORT ROADSTER. new in every respect; many extras.

Including de luxe equipment. See this one for 1400. Only down, balance monthly. Service. 1126 20th et.

n.w. North 0347. FORD COUPS Excellent condition; jIEO cash. Garage rear 1131 17th st n.w. FORD 1929 at bargain price; must sell; 231 Ethan Allen Takoma Park, Shepherd 2660-J.

FORD MODEL A ROADSTER; repainted and new seat covers; Parkway. 3040 st. n.w. Open nights and Sundays. FORD CONVERTIBLE CABRIOLETS.

1929 to choose from at this low price. Parkway, 3040 st. n.w. Open nights and Sundays. FORD MODEL tires; guarantee car perfect condition; very necessary I sell immediately; Adams 6041.

FORD STANDARD COUPE, late 1929: price only We are olferlni wonderful bargains; see them while they last. Open evenings and Sunday. Loeffler Motor Ford dealers. 215 Pa. ave g.e.

FORD 1930 neat, in dark blue and okay in every respect. stay long st this price. 335.00. Emerson dc Orme. 17th and sts.

n.w. FORD 1931 TOWN Equipped with 6 steel-spoke wheels. 3 spares mounted ward in lender wells, de luxe, trunk rack on rear, chrome plated metal tire covers, non-glare rear vision mirrior, equipped with 8-day clock, cigar lighter, chrome plated radiator screen and Oreyhound radiator ornament. Color of car is dark maroon and wheels painted to harmoniie with body color scheme. Has been driven less than 2.000 1 miles and general condition of car is like new.

For quick sale this car can be purchased at a bargain, preferably no trade. Terms if desired. Car can be seen at 1130 Conn. between 9 am. and 6 p.m.

Ask for Mr. Weakley. Telephone Decatur 3UO. FORD COUPE, 1929 model; excellent condition. A real buy, cash.

1328 13th St. N. 4975. iORD MODEL A had very good care; Parkway, 3040 st. n.w.

Open nights and Sundays. FORD TUDOR, late 1929; exceptionally fine appearing car. dark blue finish: upholstery like new: see this wonderful bargain for only easy terms. Open evenings and Sunday. Loeffler Motor Ford dealers, 21! Pa, ave.

s.e. FORD SPORT COUPE. equipped, with 2 well fenders and trunk rack. This job has had the careful attention of our reconditioning department and is ready fox lots of troublelpss service. Special, easy terms.

Triangle Motor 2 N. ave. w. FORD run 2.000 miles; new-eax guarantee: and assume my payments. your car in trade.

Decatur 2705. FORD TUDCR. 1930-Dark blue paint; new lubber; upholstery and mechanical conditior. A-l: fully guaranteed. Special, easy terms.

Triangle Motor 2 N. Y. ave. n.w FORD 1930 DE LUXE leather upholstery; tires practically new. span mounted forward in fender we'l: trunk rack, new top; terms and trade.

Warfle) Motor 1130 Conn, ave, n.w. FORD TOWN SEDAN. 1931 Repossessed used only 2.500 miles: 2 months old; new throughout. Can be bought for the up paid balance. Fully guaranteed.

Terms trade. Triangle Motor 2N. Y. ave. n.w FORD TUDOR, tis not often tha.

we get a car In this condition, only 12.00 miles; mechanically perfect; good rubber and appearance; a bargain. easy terms. Triangle Motor 2 N. Y. ave.

n.w. FORD SPORT CAERIOLET. tioned throughout; paint, upholstery, tire? good. A nice car for both good and bad days Bpeclal. easy terms.

Triangle I Motor 2 New York ave. n.w. GRAHAM. LATE MODEL, 4-PASS. Only 8.592 miles; like new; cost sacrifice.

North 7649. HUDSON FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. give-away at Parkway. 3040 st. n.w.

Open nights and Sundays. HUDSON 1930 EIGHT wire wheels, fender mounts, trunk rack. A real buy. Lambert, "The House of Conhdence." 1501 14th. HUDSON BROUGHAM.

and runs like new; all equipped; also trunk on rear; car easily worth sacrifice at once. any demonstration; terms arranged to responsible party. For appointment phone Ciev. 6651. HUPMQBILE CABRIOLET.

1930. wire wheels, trunk and many other accessories. Good in every detail; easy terms. 30-day guarantee. H.

B. Leary, 1321 14th. Narth 682A HUPMOBILE 1926 looka and runs very good; tires good; cheap transportation; Lambert. "The House of Confidence." 1501 14th. HUPMOBILE STRAIGHT 8 5-PASS SEDAN.

1928: good tires; excellent condition; terms and trade. Warfield Motor 1130 Conn. ave. n.w. HUPMOBILE COACIft looka like new: low mileage; will sacrifice for Can be seen at fidelity Oarage, 14th and Fla.

ave. n.w. Adams 3100 (Continued en Nest B-9.

Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.