DBD Best Survivor Perks Tier List (2024)

5 February, 2024Miguel SanchoGuides2

DBD Best Survivor Perks Tier List (1)

Last Updated on 5 February, 2024

DBD Best Survivor Perks Tier List – All the Perks ranked from Tier S (The best) to Tier D (the worst), info about survivors and effects


  • 1 DBD Best Survivor Perks Tier List – Tier S
  • 2 DBD Best Survivor Perks Tier List – Tier A
  • 3 DBD Best Survivor Perks Tier List – Tier B
  • 4 DBD Best Survivor Perks Tier List – Tier C
  • 5 Dead by Daylight Worst Perks – Tier D
  • 6 About Dead by Daylight
  • 7 Other Tier List:

DBD Best Survivor Perks Tier List – Tier S

Tier S > The Best DBD Survivor Perks of the Tier List:

  • Boon –Circle of Healing – Mikaela Reid Lvl 35: Press and hold the Active Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem. Increases all Healing speeds by 40/45/50 %.

DBD Best Survivor Perks Tier List – Tier A

Tier A > Above the average DBD Survivor Perks of the Tier List:

  • Prove Thyself – Increases your Repair speed by +15 % (each Survivor at 4 metres) maximum of +45 %, Grants 50/75/100 % bonus Bloodpoints for Co-operative actions. Only for Dwight
  • Kindred – hooked: Auras of all Survivors are revealed to one another, (when Killer is within 8/12/16 metres of your Hook, their Aura is revealed to all Survivors). Survivor is hooked: The Auras of all other Survivors are revealed to you, (When Killer is within 8/12/16 metres of the hooked Survivor, their Aura is revealed to you). For All
  • Off the Record – After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, activates for the next 60/70/80 seconds:Prevents your Aura from being revealed to the Killer, Suppresses Grunts of Pain when injured, Grants the Endurance Status Effect. Only Zarina
  • Windows of Opportunity– Kate Denson Lvl 35: TheAurasofBreakable Walls,Pallets, andWindowsare revealed to you within24/28/32metres
  • Lithe– Feng Min Lvl 30: After performing arushedvault, break into a sprint of150%of your normal Running Movement speed for a maximum of3 seconds
  • Adrenaline– Meg Thomas Lvl 40: Once theExit Gatesare powered,instantly heal oneHealth Stateand sprint at150%of your normal Running Movement speed for5 seconds.
  • Lucky Break– Yui Kimura Lvl 30: BleedingandScratch Marksare suppressed for a maximum of40/50/60seconds, after whichLucky Breakis disabled for the remainer of the Trial
  • Dead Hard– David King Lvl 35 : When Injured, tap into your adrenaline bank and dash forward quickly to avoid damage

DBD Best Survivor Perks Tier List – Tier B

Tier B > Average DBD Survivor Perks of the Tier List:

  • DesperateMeasures– Felix Richter Lvl 35: Increases Healing and Unhooking speeds by10/12/14%for each injured, hooked, or dying Survivor, up to a maximum of40/48/56%
  • Flashbang– Leon Scott Kennedy Lvl 35: After repairingGeneratorsfor a total of70/60/50%,Flashbangactivates
  • Renewal– General Perk: When you heal anotherSurvivorfor the equivalent of1Health State, The next time you are unhooked or unhook yourself, you suffer from theBrokenStatus EffectuntilRenewal deactivates, You are automatically healed1 Health Stateafter28/24/20seconds
  • Quick & Quiet– Meg thomas Lvl 30: Suppressesboth theLoud Noise Notificationand the sound effects triggered by rushing to vaultWindows,Pallets, or rushing to enter or exitLockers
  • Reassurance– Rebecca Lvl 30: When within6 metresof a hooked Survivor, press theActive Ability buttonto halt theirSacrifice Processfor the next20/25/30seconds. If the hooked Survivor has already entered theStruggle Phase, its Skill Checksare paused for that duration
  • Distortion– Jeff Johansen Lvl 40: Your Aura will not be shown to the Killer and you will not leave anyScratch Marksfor the next6/8/10seconds
  • We’ll Make It– General Perk: Increasesyour Altruistic Healing speed by100%for the next30/60/90secondswhenever you rescue another Survivor from aHook
  • Bond– Dwight Fairfield Lvl 30: TheAurasof all otherSurvivorswithin20/28/36metresof your location are revealed to you
  • Stake Out – Davip Tapp Lvl 40: Every15 secondsyou are standing within the Killer’sTerror Radiuswithout being chased,Stake Outgains1 Token, up to a maximum of2/3/4Tokens
  • Built to Last– Felix Richter Lvl 40: Hiding inside aLockerfor14/13/12secondswhile carrying a depletedItemwill replenish its Charges to99%
  • Borrowed Time– Bill Overbeck Lvl 35: For8/10/12secondsafter unhooking a Survivor, the unhooked Survivor is protected by theEnduranceStatus Effect
  • Boil Over– Kate Denson Lvl 40: While being carried by theKiller, the following effects apply. +intensity of theStruggle Effects, ObscurestheAurasof allHooks & yourWiggle Meterfills by25%upon landing
  • Hyperfocus– After hitting a Great Skill Checkwhile repairing or healing,Hyperfocusgains1 Token, up to a maximum of6 Tokens For each Token, the following stack-able effects are applied:
    • Increasesthe Skill Check Trigger odds by+4%per Token.
    • Increasesthe Skill Check Rotation speed by+4%per Token.
    • Increasesthe Skill Check Bonus progression by10/20/30%of its base value per Token.
  • Wiretap – After repairing Generatorsfor a total of33%,Wiretapactivates:
    • After repairing a Generator for3 seconds, press theActive Ability buttonto install aWiretap, which stays active for60/70/80seconds.
      • The Aurasof trapped Generators are revealed to all Survivorsinyellow.
    • When the Killercomes within14 metresof a trapped Generator, their Aura is revealed to all Survivors.
      • Damaging the Generator destroys theWiretap.
  • Lightweight– General Perk: Scratch Marksbegin to fade1/2/3secondssooner
  • Resilience– General Perk: Increasesyour Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking by3/6/9 % when in the Injured State
  • Alert– Feng Min Lvl 40 : Whenever the Killer destroys aPalletor aBreakable Wall, or damages aGenerator, theirAurais revealed to you for3/4/5seconds
  • Empathy– Claudette Morel Lvl 30: TheAurasofSurvivorsin theInjured Stateor in theDying Statewithin64/96/128metresof your location are revealed to you
  • Vigil– Quentin Smith Lvl 40: Increasesyour Recovery rate from theBlindness,Broken,Exhaustion,Exposed,Haemorrhage,Hindered, andObliviousStatus Effectsby20/25/30%
  • Unbreakable– Bill Overbeck Lvl 40: Your Recovery speed is increased by25/30/35%
  • Aftercare– Jeff Johansen Lvl 35: You see theAuraof the last1/2/3Survivor(s)
  • Breakout – Yui Kimura Lvl 40: When within6 metresof a carriedSurvivor, you gain theHasteStatus Effect, moving at an increased speed of5/6/7%
  • Sprint Burst– Meg Thomas Lvl 35: When starting to run, break into a sprint at150%of your normal Running Movement speed for3 seconds
  • Soul Guard– Cheryl Mason Lvl 30: After being healed from or having recovered from theDying State,Soul Guardgrants you theEnduranceStatus Effectfor thenext4/6/8seconds
  • For the People– Zarina Kassir Lvl 40: Press theActive Ability buttonwhile healing another Survivor without aMed-Kitto instantly heal them1Health State, you become the obsession
  • Self-Aware– General Perks: You walk10/15/20%faster and can see your ownScratch Marks
  • Deliverance– Adam Francis Lvl 35: Your Self-Unhook attempts will succeed100%of the time
  • Power Struggle– Elodie Rakoto Lvl 40: You can drop a nearby, standingPalletto stun the Killer and escape their grasp
  • Smash Hit– Yun Jin Lee Lvl 35: After stunning the Killer with aPallet, break into a sprint at150%of your normal Running Movement speed for4 seconds
  • Fogwise –In your countless years in The Fog, you have seen it all, and when you are focused, you can remember most of it too.
    • Succeeding a Great Skill Checkwhile repairing a Generatorreveals the Killer’s Aurato you for4/5/6seconds.
  • We’re Gonna Live Forever– David King Lvl 30: When healing a dyingSurvivor, your Healing speed is increased by100%
  • Bite the Bullet– Leon Scott Kennedy Lvl 30: When healing yourself or anotherSurvivor,Grunts of Painand all noises related to theHealing actionare suppressed
  • Residual Manifest – After a successful Killer Blind, the Killer suffers from the Blindness Status Effect for 20/25/30 seconds, grants the ability to rummage through an opened Chestonce per Trial and will guarantee a basic Flashlight. Only Haddie
  • Head On – Jane Romero Lvl 40: When performing arushedaction to leave a Locker, stun the Killer for3 seconds if they are within rang
  • Open-Handed – Ace Visconti Lvl 30: Open-Handedincreases all Aura-reading ranges by8/12/16metres
  • Balanced Landing– Nea Karlsson Lvl 30: Your agility and cat-like relexes are incomparable
  • Boon –Shadow Step– Mikaela Reid Lvl 40: Press and hold theActive Ability buttonnear a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create aBoon Totem
  • Flip-Flop– Ash Williams Lvl 30: While in theDying State,50%of your Recovery progression is converted into Wiggling progression, up to a maximum of40/45/50%, once you are picked up by theKiller
  • Any Means Necessary– Yui Kimura Lvl 35: You see theAurasof droppedPallets
  • Leader– Dwight Fairfield Lvl 40: Increasesthe Action speeds of otherSurvivorsin Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking by15/20/25%while they are within8 metresof your location
  • Hope – General Perk: As soon as theExit Gatesare powered, gain a5/6/7%HasteStatus Effectfor120 seconds
  • Saboteur – Jake Park Lvl 40: While a Survivor is being carried, theAurasof allHookswithin56 metresof their Pick-up location are revealed to you
  • Deception– Elodie Rakoto Lvl 35: Interact with aLockerwhile holding theSprint buttonto trigger aLoud Noise Notificationfor thekiller at your location instead of entering the Locker
  • Blast Mine– Jill Valentine Lvl 30: After repairingGeneratorsfor a total of66 % install a Trap & Trapped Generators are revealed inyellow
  • Streetwise– Nea Karlsson Lvl 40: Decreasesthe Depletion rate of yourItemsby15/20/25%
  • Clairvoyance– Mikaela Reid Lvl 30: When empty-handed, press and hold theActive Ability buttonto unlock your full Aura-reading potential, allowing you to see theAurasof theExit Gate Switches,Generators,Hooks,Chests, and theHatchwithin64 metresfor8/9/10seconds
  • Overcome– Jonah Vasquez Lvl 30: Whenever you become injured, you retain the Movement Speed burst for2 additional seconds
  • Tenacity– Davip Tapp Lvl 30: our ferocious tenacity in dire situations allows you to crawl30/40/50%faster and also recover at the same time
  • Guardian– General Perk: When you unhook aSurvivor, the rescued Survivor benefits from the following effects for4/6/8seconds
  • Detective’s Hunch– David Tapp Lvl 35: Each time a Generator is completed, theAurasof anyGenerators,Chests, andTotemswithin32/48/64metresare revealed to you for10 seconds
  • Dance With Me– Kate Denson Lvl 30: When performing arushedaction to vault aWindow,Pallet, or leave aLocker, you will not leave anyScratch Marksfor the next3 seconds
  • Small Game– General Perk: Receive an auditory warning upon looking in the direction of Totems in a45 °cone within8/10/12metres
  • Spine Chill– General Perk: Whenever the Killer is looking in your direction when they are within36 metresof you,Spine Chill activates, Increasesthe Trigger odds ofSkill Checkby10 % & Increasesyour Action speeds
  • Decisive Strike– Laurie Strode Lvl 40: After being unhooked or unhooking yourself,Decisive Strikeactivatesfor thenext40/50/60seconds
  • Boon – Exponential– Jonah Vasquez Lvl 40: Press and hold theActive Ability buttonnear a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create aBoon Totem
  • InnerHealing– General Perk: You are automatically healed1 Health Statewhen hiding inside aLockerfor10/9/8secondswhile injured or suffering from theDeep WoundStatus Effect
  • Mettle of Man– Ash Williams Lvl 40: After triggering yourthirdProtection Hit,Mettle of Manactivates and you are protected by theEnduranceStatus Effe
  • Counterforce– Jill Valentine Lvl 30: ou know how to withstand an enemy stronger than you, and it starts with hunting down and knocking out their support. You cleanse Totems20%faster
  • Déjà Vu– General Perk: TheAurasof the3Generatorsin closest proximity to one another are revealed to you for30/45/60secondsat the start of the Trial, and each time a Generator is completed
  • Breakdown– Jeff Johansen Lvl 30: Each time you are unhooked or unhook yourself, theHookbreaks and the Killer’sAurais revealed to you for4/5/6seconds
  • Diversion– Adam Francis Lvl 30: Standing within the Killer’sTerror Radiuswhile not in a Chase for40/35/30secondsactivatesDiversion
  • Kinship– General Perk: If anotherSurvivoris within16 metresof your Hook whileKinshipis active, theStruggle Phasetimer is paused for26/30/34seconds
  • Situational Awareness– General Perk: While repairing aGenerator, itsAurais revealed inyellowto all other Survivors located within32 metres
  • Autodidact– Adam Francis Lvl 40: You start the Trial with a-25%Progression penalty forSkill Checksto healSurvivors
  • Botany Knowledge– Claudette Morel Lvl 35: IncreasesHealing speeds, as well as the efficiency ofMed-Kits, by11/22/33%
  • Repressed Alliance– Cheryl Mason Lvl 40: After repairingGeneratorsfor a total of55/50/45seconds,Repressed Allianceactivates
  • Fast Track– Yun jin Lee Lvl 30: Whenever another Survivor is hooked,Fast Trackgains1/2/3Tokens, up to a maximum of9/18/27Tokens
  • Empathic Connection – Whenever another Survivor is injured, they can see your Aura when within 32/64/96 metres of your location. You heal other Survivors 10 % faster.
  • Iron Will– Jake Park Lvl 30: Lowersthe volume ofGrunts of Painby50/75/100%
  • Potential Energy – Your arcane abilities have adapted to The Entity’s Realm after centuries of wandering, granting you unprecedented control over its many devices.
    • After repairing Generatorsfor a total of12/10/8uninterrupted seconds, press the Active Ability buttonto activatePotential Energy:
      • Continuing to repair the Generator will chargePotential Energyinstead of progressing the Generator.
      • Converts1.5%of Repair progression into1 Token, up to a maximum of20 Tokens.
      • Missing Skill Checksresults in losing some Tokens.

DBD Best Survivor Perks Tier List – Tier C

Tier C > Below the average DBD Survivor Perks of the Tier List:

  • Visionary– Felix Richter Lvl 40: heAurasofGeneratorsare revealed to you within32 metres
  • Urban Evasion– Nea Karlsson Lvl 35: Increasesyour Crouching Movement speed by90/95/100%
  • Quick Gambit– When you have the Killer’s attention, you know how to keep it; others can be confident they will not be interrupted any time soon.
    • Increasesthe Repair speed of any other Survivor by6/7/8%, while you are being chased within24 metresof the Generator they are currently repairing.
  • Dark Sense– General Perk: Each time aGeneratoris completed, theAuraof the Killer is revealed to you for5 seconds. Once the last Generator is completed, the Aura of the Killer is revealed to you for5/7/10seconds
  • Reactive Healing– Ada –Grants40/45/50%of your missing Healing Progression.
  • Technician– Feng Min Lvl 30: Failing aSkill Checkwhile repairing
  • Solidarity – Jane Romero Lvl 30: When injured, healing anotherSurvivorwithout using aMed-Kitalso heals you with a Conversion rate of40/45/50%
  • Rookie Spirit– Leon Scott Kennedy Lvl 35: Once active, theAurasof any regressing Generators are revealed to you
  • Overzealous – After cleansing a Totem, Overzealous activates: Increases your Repair speed by (Dull Totem: 6/7/8 %) (Hex Totem: 12/14/16 %). Only Haddie
  • Wake Up!– Quentin Smith Lvl 30: Once allGeneratorsare completed, heAurasof theExit Gate Switchesare revealed to you within128 metres, When opening an Exit Gate, your Aura is revealed to all other Survivors within128 metre
  • Blood Pact– Cheryl Manson Lvl 35: When you or theObsessionare injured, you both see each other’sAuras
  • Ace in the Hole– Ace Visconti Lvl 40: When retrieving anItemfrom aChest, there is a chance anAdd-onwill be attached to it
  • Resurgence– Jill Valentine Lvl 35: After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, instantly gain40/45/50%to your Healing progress
  • Parental Guidance – Ability to hear the dead. After stunning the Killer by any means, Parental Guidance suppresses your Scratch Marks, Pools of Blood, and Grunts of Pain for the next 5/6/7 seconds.
  • No One Left Behind– General Perk: Once at least oneExit Gatehas been opened,No One Left Behind activates > Action Speed bonus to Unhooking and Healing otherSurvivors > TheAurasof all other Survivors are revealed to you > Grants50/75/100%bonusBloodpointsfor actions in theAltruism
  • Better Than New– Rebecca: Increasestheir Action speeds in Healing, Unlocking, Cleansing, and Blessing by12/14/16%
  • Pharmacy– Quentin Smith Lvl 35: UnlockingChestsis40/60/80% faster,firstChest guarantees anEmergency Med-Kit
  • Low Profile– Ada –Suppressesyour Pools of Blood, Scratch Marks, andGrunts of Painfor70/80/90seconds.
  • Plunderer’s Instinct– General Perk: TheAurasof closedChestsand droppedItemsin the environment within16/24/32metresof your location are revealed to you
  • Left Behind– Bill Overbeck Lvl 30: When you are the last Survivor remaining in the Trial, theAuraof theHatchis revealed to you when you are within24/28/32metres
  • Object of Obsession– Laurie Strode Lvl 35: Whenever the Killer reads yourAuraand for the same duration as they do so,Object of Obsessionactivates
  • Appraisal– Elodie Rakoto Lvl 35: When aChesthas already been opened, consume1 Tokento rummage through it for anItem. Rummage through Chests40/60/80%faster

Dead by Daylight Worst Perks – Tier D

Tier D > The Worst DBD Survivor Perks of the Tier List:

  • Premonition– General Perk: Receive an auditory warning upon looking in the Killer’s direction within a45 °cone within36 metres
  • Poised – Jane Romero Lvl 35: After aGeneratoris completed, you will not leave anyScratch Marksfor the next6/8/10seconds
  • Self-Care– Claudette Morel Lvl 40: Unlocks theSelf-Careability, allowing toself-heal without needing aMed-Kit
  • Slippery Meat– General Perk: Grants3additionalSelf-Unhook attempts & IncreasestheSelf-Unhook chance by2/3/4%
  • RedHerring– Zarina Kassir Lvl 30: After repairing aGeneratorfor at least3 seconds, itsAurais highlighted to you inyellow
  • Inner Focus – Survivor loses a Health State within 32 metres of you, the Killer’s Aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds. Haddie
  • Calm Spirit– Jake Park Lvl 35: Animals seem to trust you as they often stay calm in your presence
  • Buckle Up– Ash Williams Lvl 35: You can determine the Recovery progress of dyingSurvivorsby the intensity of theirAuraat a distance of48 metresaway
  • Sole Survivor– Yun Jin Lee Lvl 30: Each Token grants a stack-able radius of20/22/24metreswithin which the Killer is unable to read yourAura, up to a maximum of60/66/72metres
  • Self-Preservation– Yun Jin Lee Lvl 40: Scratch Marks,Grunts of Painwhen injured, andBleedingare suppressed for the next6/8/10seconds
  • Up the Ante– Ave Visconti Lvl 35: Each Token applies a stack-able1/2/3%bonus to theLuckof all Survivors, up to a maximum of3/6/9%
  • No Mither– David King Lvl 40: You suffer from theBrokenStatus Effectfor the entire Trial
  • Corrective Action– Jonah Vasquez Lvl 35: ou start the Trial with1/2/3Token(s)and gain a Token each time you succeed at aGreat Skill Check, up to a maximum of5 Tokens
  • This Is Not Happening– General Perk: Increasesthe Success zone ofGreat Skill Checks’while Repairing and Healing by10/20/30%when in theInjured State
  • Boon: Dark Theory – Active Ability to bless it and create a Boon Totem, radius of 24 metres. Survivors inside the Boon Totem’s range benefit from the following effects: 2 % Haste Status Effect. This effect lingers for 2/3/4 seconds after leaving the Boon Totem’s range. One Totem at a time.

About Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught and killed.

Other DBD Guides:

  • codes
  • rankrewards
  • Advent Calendar
  • Hidden Achievements
  • Best Killer Perks

Other Tier List:

Also you can check other Tier List Guides, if you play any of these games. We recommend you to add in favourites webs (clicking Ctrl + D):

  • Awaken Chaos Era
  • My Hero Ultra Impact
  • Lost Ark
  • Idle Huntress
  • Last Pirates Devil Fruit
  • Critical Legends
  • Seven Mortal Sins X Tasy
  • Epic Seven
  • Echoes of Mana
  • Rise of Eros

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DBD Best Survivor Perks Tier List (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.